On 20/11/2023 17:12, Vitaliy Perekhovy wrote:
On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 05:07:45PM +0000, Peter Humphrey wrote:
Hello list,

Now that I have my NFS set up (with help - thanks) the next problem is that,
having new packages built by my workstation over NFS, emerge on the tiny box
is ignoring all those new packages. And yes, I have checked that they do
exist, and in the right place: /var/cache/packages/ .

The man page says that any new package will cause a remerge, so what has
tripped me up this time?


Default location for binary packages is /var/cache/binpkgs/

Can't remember what I did, but the first thing to check is you're using the same make flags (unless of course, you're sharing /etc/portage).

Then I seem to remember using -bK or something like that. So the command I'm giving emerge is "use a binary if you can find it, otherwise build it".

Because I might emerge packages on either machine, that worked great for me. And I actually usually emerged stuff on the slower machine, because it was more reliable ... :-)


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