I am using working to configure the image docker.osgeo.org/geoserver:2.25.0
to be run in production and I need to add a new grid set to geoserver.
But whatever CRS i am trying to use I get an error.

WARN   [web.wicket] - Unknown CRS identifier EPSG:EPSG:4326
gs_test  | org.geotools.api.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException: No
code "EPSG:EPSG:4326" from authority "European Petroleum Survey Group"
found for object of type
"interface org.geotools.api.referencing.IdentifiedObject".

Any insight to what the issue is here and how to fix this?
I understand from googling that this might be an issue that the ESPG
database failed to be created?

2011 - Andrea Aime
"That sounds like it failed to create the EPSG database. That's normally
created in the temp directory (which is container and OS dependent),
GeoTools subdirectory." ... "In any case, stop GeoServer, locate that dir,
wipe it out and start GS

I try to deploy with docker, where would this temp directory be if this is
the issue? But why did it fail in the first place?
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