Great...that works.
I also had to edit mk/ to comment out these lines

# ifeq "$(shell $(SHELL) -c 'python2 -c 0' 2> /dev/null && echo exists)" 

# PYTHON = python2

# endif
Because msys2 has python2.exe as well as python.exe.  (Or I could have moved 
that out of the way too.)
Austin please note for the msys2 instructions you are writing

From: kyra []
Sent: 12 November 2013 09:53
To: Simon Peyton-Jones
Subject: Re: Windows build

This is what is recommended at

I think you already has it installed, because this is required for msys build.

Hence all you should do is:
1. make your edit (MINGW32 -> MINGW)
2. disable msys2 python

On 11/12/2013 13:44, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
OK... where did you get native python from?

From: ghc-devs [] On Behalf Of kyra
Sent: 12 November 2013 09:39
Subject: Re: Windows build

It looks the second option (native win32 python) works.

I've installed native win32 python, reverted my edit, leaving only *your* edit 
in place, *and* disabled msys2 python simply moving all msys2 python 
executables out of the path. It seems, all works now (I didn't wait the finish 
of tests, though).


On 11/12/2013 12:58, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
Thanks Kyra, you are a star.
Yes, msys2 has been updated to fix the ctypes bug.  I have the version from 
With your edit I now get this:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "../driver/", line 164, in <module>

    if mydll.kernel32.SetConsoleCP(65001) == 0:

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ctypes/", line 435, in __getattr__

    dll = self._dlltype(name)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ctypes/", line 365, in __init__

    self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)

OSError: No such file or directory

Any ideas about what to do now?  I guess you can reproduce if you install the 
later msys2.

From: ghc-devs [] On Behalf Of kyra
Sent: 12 November 2013 06:45
Subject: Re: Windows build

I've looked into this.

Current test script picks msys2-compiled python, which, after your 
modification, can't find 'windll', because msys2-compiled python is cygwin-like 
and it's 'ctypes' has no 'windll'. If we rewrite the relevant part of script 

config.msys2 = False
    elif v.startswith("MINGW"):
        config.msys2 = True
# Try to use UTF8
if windows:
    import ctypes
    if config.cygwin or config.msys2:
        # Is this actually right? Which calling convention does it use?
        # As of the time of writing, ctypes.windll doesn't exist in the
        # cygwin python, anyway.
        mydll = ctypes.cdll
        mydll = ctypes.windll

then we go slightly further and fail with:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../driver/", line 151, in <module>
    import ctypes
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ctypes/", line 451, in <module>
    pythonapi = PyDLL("libpython%d.%d.dll" % _sys.version_info[:2])
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ctypes/", line 365, in __init__
    self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
OSError: No such file or directory

And this is definitely a bug in msys2 python, because there is no such a file 
("libpython*.dll) anywhere in msys2 distribution.

What could be possible solutions?

1. I'm seeing a new version of Msys2 appearing right now here It is now a 
bunch of separate packages, I've looked into python 2.7.5 package and found 
ctypes-related things definitely changed. Thus we could wait a couple of days 
until Msys2 release process is finished and installation information is 
available, hoping it's python is working properly.

2. Another approach is to modify testing infrastructure to use some pure 
win32/mingw based python distribution. But I'm in no way an expert here, sorry.


On 11/12/2013 02:10, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
Austin, or others,
It would be SO GREAT if it was possible to validate on Windows again.
Currently I'm using msys2, which builds GHC fine, but things fail badly in the 

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "../driver/", line 144, in <module>

    raise Exception("Can't detect Windows terminal type")

Exception: Can't detect Windows terminal type

uname -s returns MINGW_NT-6.2
Changing the test from
    elif v.startswith("MINGW32"):
    elif v.startswith("MINGW"):
just produces a new error

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "../driver/", line 155, in <module>

    mydll = ctypes.windll

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'windll'

../mk/ recipe for target 'test' failed

It's all very frustrating because I can't validate.  Can anyone help?


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