On 13/01/14 11:06, Dr. ERDI Gergo wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Jan 2014, Dr. ERDI Gergo wrote:
>>> I went ahead and pushed the preliminary work to a new branch in the
>>> official repositories. GHC, haddock and testsuite now have a
>>> 'wip/pattern-synonyms' branch, where you can test the code:
>>> https://github.com/ghc/ghc/commits/wip/pattern-synonyms
>>> https://github.com/ghc/haddock/commits/wip/pattern-synonyms
>>> https://github.com/ghc/testsuite/commits/wip/pattern-synonyms
>> So what's the intended workflow for me from now on? Will master be regularly 
>> merged into this branch? Should I base my future work (like fixing the 
>> outstanding issues your mail detailed) on top of this branch and continue 
>> pushing to my github repo?
> Oh and also, how do I reword the commit message of the single squashed 
> commit? I'm asking because there are some small fixes I'd like to do on 
> the message.
> Thanks,
>       Gergo

You can do an interactive rebase and stop at the commit you want to
change. Then use git commit --ammend to change the message. You probably
don't want to be changing history too much though, it's a pain for
anyone working on the same branch.

On a somewhat related note, you should probably update your Haddock
changes on top of the current master. Let me know if you have problems
merging it on top.

Mateusz K.
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