On 05/01/14 12:16, Dr. ERDI Gergo wrote:
> Hi,
> When I started working on pattern synonyms (#5144) back in August, it
> seemed the GHC 7.8 freeze was imminent, so I was planning for a
> first version in 7.10/8.0 (whatever it will be called). However, since not
> much has happened re: 7.8 since then (at least not much publicly visible),
> and on the other hand, my implementation of pattern synonyms is ready, I
> am now starting to wonder if it could be squeezed into 7.8. What are your
> thoughts on this?
> Thanks,
>       Gergo
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Hi again,

We've ran into some trouble over at #ghc regarding Haddock updates to
do with PatternSynonyms. You have updated Haddock accordingly but at
the same time, you haven't checked that you haven't broken it. This
means that when we were trying to quickly fix a bug today, the Haddock
tests came up as failing. There at least two faults that I've spotted:

* Single space added in front of every function name.

  This isn't visible by the user but is visible by the test-suite and
  would require that we update every test file for no good reason.
  After a long while, I narrowed it down to the line
  “leader <+> ppTypeSig summary occnames pp_typ unicode” as it seems
  that ‘leader’ is empty for a lot of time and the (<+>) function adds
  a single space. It'd be an easy fix if it was only this but…

* Data types using infix notations are now parenthesised

  Haddock now renders ‘data a :- b’ as ‘data a (:-) b’. This is a

I don't know what else is broken but I can't go on trying to fix this
because you haven't added any tests for the features you put in! I
have no idea what I'm breaking in PatternSynonyms when making changes.
For now we have to revert some of the Haddock changes, namely the
XHtml back-end stuff you added. The proposed revert is currently at
[1] and will probably be put into the 7.8 RC very soon because the
documentation for ‘base’ has to be generated.

Please have a look and see what you can fix in the XHtml back-end for
your feature. This includes making sure that the existing tests pass
(you do this by running ‘cabal test’, just running validate for GHC is
_not_ enough) and adding new tests for the things you add (you're
going to be interested in adding test cases in html-test/src and
adding the expected test results in html-test/ref).


[1]: https://github.com/Fuuzetsu/haddock/tree/codeblockfix

Mateusz K.
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