On 08/08/2014 07:21 AM, Alexander Kjeldaas wrote:
> Microsoft has free VMs for testing purposes. It expires after 90 days and
> the only relevant limitation that i see is that it's not licensed for a
> "live operating environment".
> That might or might not exclude Travis, but scripting a test that
> developers can run personally should be allowed.
> https://www.modern.ie/en-us/virtualization-tools
> Alexander

This seems to be a VM dedicated for running Internet Explorer, is it
actually a fully-featured environment? The site doesn't show much info.

> On Aug 8, 2014 5:14 AM, "Mateusz Kowalczyk" <fuuze...@fuuzetsu.co.uk> wrote:
>> On 07/16/2014 12:55 AM, Joachim Breitner wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I feel sorry for Simon always repeatedly stuck with an unbuildable tree,
>>> and an idea crossed my mind: Can we build¹ GHC under Wine? If so, is it
>>> likely to catch the kind of problems that Simon is getting? If so, maybe
>>> it runs fast enough to be also tested by travis on every commit?
>>> (This mail is to find out if people have tried it before. If not, I’ll
>>> give it a quick shot.)
>>> Greetings,
>>> Joachim
>>> ¹ we surely can use it:
>> http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/GHC_under_Wine
>> Perhaps this is a bit off-tangent but few months ago there were some
>> commits landing to the nix package manager which allow you to run tests
>> in a Windows VM. It was created to run tests for things like
>> cross-compiled packages but it probably could be adapted.
>> If you don't mind actually installing Windows (in a VM) and have nix
>> already/plan on using it then that might be a more preferable workflow:
>> create a nix expression that builds a validates GHC in the VM and spits
>> out the result.
>> It's just something I thought I should mention in case anyone was
>> interested.
>> --
>> Mateusz K.
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