Ah great,

Triples again.. I still wonder why it is suddenly an issue. We haven’t touched 
the .m4 file in a while and no one changed libffi either right? This is just 
like last time the normalization bit us. Causing days of broken builds on 
different targets while everyone fixed the one they were interested in.

Why do we do the normalization? It doesn’t seem to give us any benefits at 
all.. Maybe we should stop doing it after the branch for 8.4?

From: Ben Gamari
Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2017 18:51
To: Phyx; Simon Peyton Jones; ghc-devs@haskell.org
Subject: Re: Windows build failing in a new way

Phyx <loneti...@gmail.com> writes:

> My CI server is also reproducing it while I also haven't been able to
> locally. Weird indeed.
Ahhh, I just noticed that Reid stumbled upon the culprit yesterday. See


- Ben

[1] https://phabricator.haskell.org/rGHCe901ed1c5d66

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