One problem is you have to release a new ghc every time someone comes up
with a new pragma-using tool that starts to catch on. Another is that the
more of these you have, the more likely a typo will inadvertently match
some tool you don't even know about but ghc does.

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 6:34 PM Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs <> wrote:

> I’m still not understanding what’s wrong with
> {- HLINT blah blah -}
> GHC will ignore it.  HLint can look at it.  Simple.
> I must be missing something obvious.
> Simon
> *From:* ghc-devs <> *On Behalf Of *Simon
> Marlow
> *Sent:* 16 October 2018 21:44
> *To:* Neil Mitchell <>
> *Cc:* ghc-devs <>
> *Subject:* Re: Treatment of unknown pragmas
> I suggested to Neil that he add the {-# HLINT #-} pragma to GHC. It seemed
> like the least worst option taking into account the various issues that
> have already been described in this thread. I'm OK with adding HLINT; after
> all we already ignore OPTIONS_HADDOCK, OPTIONS_NHC98, a bunch of other
> OPTIONS, CFILES (a Hugs relic), and several more that GHC ignores.
> We can either
> (a) not protect people from mistyped pragmas, or
> (b) protect people from mistyped pragma names, but then we have to bake in
> the set of known pragmas
> We could choose to have a different convention for pragmas that GHC
> doesn't know about (as Ben suggests), but then of course we don't get any
> protection for mistyped pragma names when using that convention.
> Cheers
> Simon
> On Tue, 16 Oct 2018 at 21:12, Neil Mitchell <> wrote:
> > A warning flag is an interesting way to deal with the issue. On the
> > other hand, it's not great from an ergonomic perspective; afterall, this
> > would mean that all users of HLint (and any other tool requiring special
> Yep, this means every HLint user has to do an extra thing. I (the
> HLint author) now have a whole pile of "how do I disable warnings in
> Stack", and "what's the equivalent of this in Nix". Personally, it ups
> the support level significantly that I wouldn't go this route.
> I think it might be a useful feature in general, as new tools could
> use the flag to prototype new types of warning, but I imagine once a
> feature gets popular it becomes too much fuss.
> > > I think it makes a lot of sense to have a standard way for
> third-parties
> > > to attach string-y information to Haskell source constructs. While it's
> > > not strictly speaking necessary to standardize the syntax, doing
> > > so minimizes the chance that tools overlap and hopefully reduces
> > > the language ecosystem learning curve.
> >
> > This sounds exactly like the existing ANN pragma, which is what I've
> wanted LiquidHaskell to move towards for a long time. What is wrong with
> using the ANN pragma?
> Significant compilation performance penalty and extra recompilation.
> ANN pragmas is what HLint currently uses.
> >  I'm a bit skeptical of this idea. Afterall, adding cases to the
> > lexer for every tool that wants a pragma seems quite unsustainable.
> I don't find this argument that convincing. Given the list already
> includes CATCH and DERIVE, the bar can't have been _that_ high to
> entry. And yet, the list remains pretty short. My guess is the demand
> is pretty low - we're just whitelisting a handful of additional words
> that aren't misspellings.
> Thanks, Neil
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