Hello GHC devs,

It is hard for new users to understand how to get their new Gitlab
accounts approved by an administrator.  See, for example, these
messages, both in the last ten days:



The Wiki doesn't seem to provide any guidance in the "Contributing" or
"Newcomers" sections.  Nor does ghc.dev.  Perhaps that's
understandable; GHC is not the Gitlab instance.

* https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/contributing

* https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/contributing#newcomers-to-ghc

* https://ghc.dev/

So how is a new user supposed to know how to get their accounts
approved?  It would be nice to make the process super clear.  This is
a longstanding issue.

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