Randhir Phagura <rsphagura <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Thanks Judah. Yes, I got the same brushes which I was used to; but they
> draw lines of same size 20. How can I rectify that so that the lines are
> proportionate to the sizes displayed in GIMP toolbox.

I'm not sure of your intentions here, do you want to scale the size of the
brush you are using, if so you can use the "[" and "]" keys, or does the
brush you're using not scale with a fixed all-round diameter, for instance
if the width and height of your brush are different, if this is the case
then you'd need to change your aspect ration to 0.00 in the tool dialogue in
the tool box, this will only apply if the original brush has the same width
and height. 

> Thanks and Regards,
> Randhir Phagura
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