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- Marius

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: olivier jordan
Date: Wed, May 16, 2012 at 10:21 AM
Subject: Gitorious, can't create project
To: marius.mathie...@gmail.com


I have a problem. I can go to Gitorious on HTTPS://. I can login with my
account LDAPS has gitorious, but when I am connected I can’t create
project. I have this message on my log (log/production.log)

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: Lock wait timeout exceeded; …
 ** ultrasphinx: configuration file not found for “production” environment
 ** ultrasphinx: please run ‘rake ultrasphinx:configure’
** ultrasphinx: spelling support not available (raspell configuration
raised “u$ Invalid subdomain name localhost/gitorious. Session cookies will
not work!

I can not find a solution. Can you help me ?

And an other question. Before I had her log too, but I never saw them and I
do not know why. Do you know what they mean? (production.log) Errno::EPIPE
(Broken pipe): ….

Thanks for your help in advanced and excuse me for my english because I
speak french….


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