On 06/19/2014 06:14 PM, Justin Clift wrote:
On 19/06/2014, at 1:23 PM, Pranith Kumar Karampuri wrote:
      I was told that Justin and I were given permission to mark a patch as 
verified+1 when the tests that failed are spurious failures. I think this 
process can be automated as well. I already have a script to parse the Console 
log to identify the tests that failed (I send mails using this, yet to automate 
the mailing part). What we need to do now is the following:
1) Find the list of tests that are modified/added as part of the commit.
2) Parse the list of tests that failed the full regression (I already have this 

Run 'prove' on these files separately say 5/10 times. If a particular test 
fails all the time. It is a real failure with more probability. Otherwise it is 
a spurious failure.
If a file that is added as a new test fails even a single time, lets accept the 
patch after fixing the failures.
Otherwise we can give +1 on it, instead of Justin/I manually doing it.
Sounds good to me. :)

+ Justin

Also send a mail to gluster-devel about the failures for each test.

We'll might want to make that weekly or something?  There are several failures
every day. :/


+ Justin

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