On 06/19/2014 11:32 PM, Justin Clift wrote:
On 19/06/2014, at 6:55 PM, Benjamin Turner wrote:
I went through these a while back and removed anything that wasn't valid for 
GlusterFS.  This test was passing on 3.4.59 when it was released, i am thinking 
it may have something to do with a sym link to the same directory bz i found a 
while back? Idk, I'll get it sorted tomorrow.

I got this sorted, I needed to add a sleep between the file create and the 
link.  I ran through it manually and it worked every time, took me a few goes 
to think of timing issue.  I didn't need this on, is there anything 
that needs investigated?
Any ideas? :)
Nope :-(


+ Justin

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