----- Original Message -----
> From: "Oleksandr Natalenko" <oleksa...@natalenko.name>
> To: gluster-devel@gluster.org
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 7:37:51 PM
> Subject: [Gluster-devel] GlusterFS cache architecture
> Hello.
> I'm trying to investigate how GlusterFS manages cache on both server and
> client side, but unfortunately cannot find any exhaustive, appropriate
> and up
> to date information.
> The disposition is that we have, saying, 2 GlusterFS nodes (server_a and
> server_b) with replicated volume some_volume. Also we have several
> clients
> (saying client_1 and client_2) that mount some_volume and do some
> manipulation
> with files on it (lets assume some_volume contains web-related assets,
> and
> client_1/client_2 are web-servers). Also there is client_3 that does
> web-
> related deploying on some_volume (lets assume that client_3 is
> web-developer).
> We would like to use multilayered cache scheme that involves filesystem
> cache
> (on both client/server sides) as well as web server cache.
> So, my questions are:
> 1) does caching-related items (performance.cache-size,
> performance.cache-min-
> file-size, performance.cache-max-file-size etc.) affect server side
> only?

Actually, caching is on the client side (this caching aims to beat network and 
disk latency to add up into our fop - file operation - latency). There is no 
server side caching in glusterfs as of now (except for what ever caching 
underlying OS/drivers provide in backend).

> 2) are there any tunables that affect client side caching?

Yes. Basic tunables one need to be aware of are the ones affecting cache-sizes. 
There are some tunables which define glusterfs behaviour for better/lesser 
consistency (with a possible trade-off of performance). These consistency 
related tunables are mostly (but not limited to) in write-behind (like 
strict-ordering, flush-behind etc). There are various timeouts in each xlator 
that can be configured to tune cache-coherency. "gluster volume set help" 
should give you a starting point.

> 3) how client-side caching (we are talking about read cache only, write
> cache
> is not interesting to us) is performed (if it is at all)?

client side read-caching is done across multiple xlators:

1. read-ahead: to boost performance during sequential reads. We read "ahead" of 
the application, so that data can be in our read-cache by the time application 
requests it.

2. io-cache: to boost performance if application "re-reads" same region of 
file. We cache after application has requested some data, so that subsequent 
accesses are served from io-cache.

3. quick-read (in conjunction with open-behind): to boost reads on small files. 
Quick read caches the entire file during lookup. Any further opens are "faked" 
by open-behind, assuming that the application is doing open solely to read the 
file (which is anyways cached already). If the application does a different 
fop, then an fd is opened and fop is performed after successful open. Quick 
read aims to save time spent in open, multiple reads and a release over network.

4. md-cache (or stat-prefetch): Caches metadata (like iatt - gluster equivalent 
of stat, user xattrs etc).

5. readdir-ahead: similar to read-ahead, but for directory entries during 
readdir. This helps to boost performance of readdir.

> 4) how and in what cases client cache is discarded (and how that relates
> to
> upcall framework)?

As of now read-cache is discarded based on the availability of free space in 
cache and timeouts (age of data in cache). Currently upcall is not used to 
address cache-coherency issues, but can be used in future.

> Ideally, there should be some documentation that covers general
> GlusterFS
> cache workflow.
> Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.
> --
> Oleksandr post-factum Natalenko, MSc
> pf-kernel community
> https://natalenko.name/
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