
Here is a list of common improvements for both ec and afr planned over the next few months:

1) Granular entry self-heals.
Both afr and ec at the moment do lot of readdirs and lookups to figure out the differences between the directories to perform heals. Kritika, Ravi, Anuradha and I are discussing about how to prevent this. The base algo is to store only the names that need heal in .glusterfs/indices/entry-changes/<parent-dir-gfid>/ as links to base file in .glusterfs/indices/entry-changes of the bricks. So only the names that need to be healed will be going through name heals.
We want to complete this for 3.8 definitely.

2) Granular data self-heals.
At the moment even if a single byte changes in the file afr, ec read the entire file to fix the problems. We are thinking of preventing this by remembering where the changes happened on the file in extended attributes. There will be a new extended attribute on the file which represents a bit map of the changes and each bit represents a range that needs healing. This extended attribute will have a maximum size it can represent, the extra chunks will be represented like shards in .glusterfs/indices/data-changes/<gfid-<block-num>> extended attribute on this block will store ranges that need heals.

For example: If we have extended attribute value maximum size as 4KB and each bit represents 128KB (i.e. first bit represents changes done from offset 0-128KB, 2nd bit 128KB+1-256KB etc.), In single extended attribute we can store changes happening to file upto 4GB (We are thinking of dynamically increasing the size represented by each bit from say 4k to 128k, but this is still in design). For changes that are happening from offset 4GB+1 - 8GB will be stored in extended attribute of .glusterfs/indices/data-changes/<gfid-of-file-1>. Changes happening from offset 8GB+1 to 12GB will be stored in extended attribute of .glusterfs/indices/data-changes/<gfid-of-file-2>, (please note that these files are empty, they will just contain extended attributes) etc.
We want to complete this for 3.8 (stretch goal)

3) Performance & throttling improvements for self-heal:
We are also looking into the multi-threaded self-heal daemon patch by Richard for inclusion in 3.8. We are waiting for the discussions by Raghavendra G on QoS to be over before coming to any decisions on throttling.

After we have compound fops:
Goal here is to come up with compound fops and prevent un-necessary round trips:
4) Transaction latency improvements:
     On afr:
In the unoptimized version of transaction we have: 1) Lock, 2) Pre-op 3) op 4) Post-op 5) unlock We will have: 1) Lock, 2) Pre-op + op 3) post-op + unlock This reduces round trips from 5 to 3 in the un-optimized version of afr-transaction.
     On EC:
In the unoptimized version (worst case of unaligned write) of transaction we have: 1) Lock, 2) get version, size xattrs 3) reads of pre, post unaligned chunks 4) op 5) update version, size 6) unlock We will have: 1) Lock + get version, size xattrs + reads of pre, post unaligned chunks, 2) op 3) update version, size + unlock This reduces round trips from 6 to 3 in the un-optimized version of ec-transaction.

5) Entry self-heal per name latency improvements:
Before: 1) Lock, 2) lookup to determine if the file needs to be deleted/created 3) create/delete 4) Unlock
    After: 1) Lock + lookup 2) delete/create + unlock

Roadmap that applies only for EC: for 3.8
- Use SSE2/AVX/NEON extensions when available to speed up Galois Field calculations - Use a systematic matrix to improve encoding performance (it will also improve decoding performance when all bricks are healthy) - Implement a new algorithm able to detect and repair chunks of data on the fly.

Roadmap that applies only for AFR:
1) Once granular entry/data heals, throttling are in, we can look at generalizing Richard's lazy replication patch to be used for Near synchronous replication between data centers and possibly just the bricks, haven't looked into the patch myself.

We will be sending out more mails as soon as design completes for each of these items. We are eagerly waiting for Xavi to come back to get his comments as well for how EC will be impacted by the common changes. Feedback on this plan is very welcome!

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