Le lundi 17 février 2020 à 09:45 +0530, sankarshan a écrit :
> There is no meeting planned for 20Feb/Thu
> On 13Feb we discussed looking at bugzilla.redhat.com --> Github
> migration.  There are a few OPEN items to consider about this
> + how to "freeze" the product/component on the bugzilla instance so
> that no new bugs can be filed. Michael and Deepshikha to get a better
> understanding of the steps

So I did ask to bugzilla-requests@ (PNT0776283), the answer:

Each product has a field labeled "Open for bug entry" when you uncheck
the box no one can create new bugs in that product. Anyone with edit
rights to the product can set this.

This allows you to stop new bugs being created but allows existing bugs
to work through the pipeline.

We don't like to leave products disabled in the general
classifications, we move them to the retired classification. This adds
the following header when someone views a bug in that product:

"This bug is on a product in the Retired classification, you should
contact the product team outside of Bugzilla before editing this bug as
it may not be being monitored."

So since that's for product as a whole, we have to decide what to do
with the components. 

I did manually export the list of components from bugzilla to 

So we do have a few that I do not know where to migrate:
- coreutils
- doc
- gluster-colonizer
- glusterd2
- glusterfind
- gluster-hadoop
- gluster-hadoop-install
- nagios
- nfs
- packaging
- puppet-gluster
- selinux

Some mention a upstream, some look like external repos.

If people have a opinion, please tell me in this thread.

> + updating all the NEW and OPEN bugs which will be switched over to
> Github with a text like "The Gluster project uses Github for
> reporting
> of defects; enhancement requests and other items. Please visit the
> project's Github page". Choosing an appropriate status for the bugs
> which have been moved over
> +  a script to undertake the switch. The script would be reviewed by
> Michael if he has the time. After the meeting Amar posted a link to
> <https://www.theozimmermann.net/2017/10/bugzilla-to-github/> This
> post
> could be a basis for undertaking what we plan to do
> + setting the plans in motion to switch over to Github from
> 01Mar2020.
> This includes updating/modifying any template text which indicates
> bugzilla.redhat.com to be the preferred workflow and remove any such
> reference; identity current list of labels and indicate if any
> additional need to be created; forming a better triage (label and
> classification process) for the new issues filed on Github

Michael Scherer / He/Il/Er/Él
Sysadmin, Community Infrastructure

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