
I'm having a distributed volume, so no replication *.

When a brick becomes missing for some reason, it is still possible to access files on remaining bricks, while writes that hash to the missing will fail. It is kind of sane, but can be a bit confusing to users.

A few other ways to handle this scenario would be nice:

- Make the whole volume read-only.
- Block I/O to missing brick until it becomes available again.
- Just block all I/O until missing brick comes back.

Is any of these possible?

Hans Henrik

*) Motivation: Replication is to wasteful. Also, we have 3PB behind 6 servers, so dispersed volumes do not scale down in our case (still wasteful). We are okay with the occasional downtime and happy that the files are directly available on the underlying file system in case gluster blows up.
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