Hi all,

There has been great delay in announcement of the major release
GlusterFS-3.8 in gluster mali list. Apologies for that. Since GlusterFS
3.8 got released, the version 3.5 has reached EOL. We do our best to
maintain three versions of Gluster, with the 3.8  release it will be 3.8,
3.7 and 3.6. This is a major release that includes a huge number of
changes including  15 plus  features and 1228 bug fixes .Most of the
improvements contribute to better support of Gluster  with containers
and running your storage on the sameserver as your hypervisors.
Lots of work has been done to integrate with other projects that are
part of the open source storage  ecosystem. More information can
be found in release note [1] and blog post [2]. The packages for the
various distribution can be downloaded from d.g.o[3].

Testing feedback and patches for issues observed in 3.8.0 are very
welcome. If you would like to propose bug fix candidates or minor
features for inclusion in 3.8.1, please add them to the tracker at [4].
We intend to do fairly regular releases for stabilizing 3.8.x based on
your feedback.

Thanks everybody who have contibuted to 3.8 release and make it
happen on time

[1] https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/blob/release-3.8/doc/release-notes/3.8.0.md

[2] http://blog.gluster.org/2016/06/glusterfs-3-8-released/ <http://blog.gluster.org/2016/06/glusterfs-3-8-released/>
*[3] http://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/3.8/3.8.0/
*[4] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/showdependencytree.cgi?maxdepth=1&id=glusterfs-3.8.1&hide_resolved=1
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