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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Amudhan P <<>>
Date: Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 6:43 PM
Subject: error logged in fuse-mount log file
To: Gluster Users <<>>


I am using glusterfs 3.10.1 and i am seeing below msg in fuse-mount log file.

what does this error mean? should i worry about this and how do i resolve this?

[2017-11-07 11:59:17.218973] W [MSGID: 109005] 
[dht-selfheal.c:2113:dht_selfheal_directory] 0-glustervol-dht: Directory 
selfheal fail
ed : 1 subvolumes have unrecoverable errors. path = /fol1/fol2/fol3/fol4/fol5, 
gfid =3f856ab3-f538-43ee-b408-53dd3da617fb
[2017-11-07 11:59:17.218935] I [MSGID: 109063] 
[dht-layout.c:713:dht_layout_normalize] 0-glustervol-dht: Found anomalies in 
/fol1/fol2/fol3/fol4/fol5 (gfid = 3f856ab3-f538-43ee-b408-53dd3da617fb). 
Holes=1 overlaps=0
[2017-11-07 11:59:17.199917] W [MSGID: 122019] 
[ec-helpers.c:413:ec_loc_gfid_check] 0-glustervol-disperse-5: Mismatching 
GFID's in loc

[2017-11-07 11:03:08.999769] W [MSGID: 109005] 
[dht-selfheal.c:2113:dht_selfheal_directory] 0-glustervol-dht: Directory 
selfheal fail
ed : 1 subvolumes have unrecoverable errors. path = 
/sec_fol1/sec_fol2/sec_fol3/sec_fol4/sec_fol5, gfid = 
[2017-11-07 11:03:08.999749] I [MSGID: 109063] 
[dht-layout.c:713:dht_layout_normalize] 0-glustervol-dht: Found anomalies in 
/sec_fol1/sec_fol2/sec_fol3/sec_fol4/sec_fol5 (gfid = 
59b9762e-f419-4d56-9fa2-eea9ebc055b2). Holes=1 overlaps=0
[2017-11-07 11:03:08.980275] W [MSGID: 122019] 
[ec-helpers.c:413:ec_loc_gfid_check] 0-glustervol-disperse-7: Mismatching 
GFID's in loc

[2017-11-07 12:58:43.569801] I [MSGID: 109069] 
[dht-common.c:1324:dht_lookup_unlink_cbk] 0-glustervol-dht: lookup_unlink 
returned with op_ret -> 0 and op-errno -> 0 for 
[2017-11-07 12:58:43.528844] I [MSGID: 109045] 
[dht-common.c:2012:dht_lookup_everywhere_cbk] 0-glustervol-dht: attempting 
deletion of stale linkfile 
/thi_fol1/thi_fol2/thi_fol3/thi_fol4/thi_fol5/thi_fol6/thi_file1 on 
glustervol-disperse-77 (hashed subvol is glustervol-disperse-106)

Amudhan P

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