On Sat, 27 Jul 2019 at 02:31, Matthew Benstead <matth...@uvic.ca> wrote:

> Ok thank-you for explaining everything - that makes sense.
> Currently the brick file systems are pretty evenly distributed so I
> probably won't run the fix-layout right now.
> Would this state have any impact on geo-replication? I'm trying to
> geo-replicate this volume, but am getting a weird error: "Changelog
> register failed error=[Errno 21] Is a directory"

It should not. Sunny, can you comment on this?


> I assume this is related to something else, but I wasn't sure.
> Thanks,
>  -Matthew
> --
> Matthew Benstead
> System Administrator
> Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium <https://pacificclimate.org/>
> University of Victoria, UH1
> PO Box 1800, STN CSC
> Victoria, BC, V8W 2Y2
> Phone: +1-250-721-8432
> Email: matth...@uvic.ca
> On 7/26/19 12:02 AM, Nithya Balachandran wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Jul 2019 at 01:56, Matthew Benstead <matth...@uvic.ca> wrote:
>> Hi Nithya,
>> Hmm... I don't remember if I did, but based on what I'm seeing it sounds
>> like I probably didn't run rebalance or fix-layout.
>> It looks like folders that haven't had any new files created have a dht
>> of 0, while other folders have non-zero values.
>> [root@gluster07 ~]# getfattr --absolute-names -m . -d -e hex
>> /mnt/raid6-storage/storage/ | grep dht
>> [root@gluster07 ~]# getfattr --absolute-names -m . -d -e hex
>> /mnt/raid6-storage/storage/home | grep dht
>> trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x00000000000000000000000000000000
>> [root@gluster07 ~]# getfattr --absolute-names -m . -d -e hex
>> /mnt/raid6-storage/storage/home/matthewb | grep dht
>> trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x00000001000000004924921a6db6dbc7
>> If I just run the fix-layout command will it re-create all of the dht
>> values or just the missing ones?
> A fix-layout will recalculate the layouts entirely so files all the values
> will change. No files will be moved.
> A rebalance will recalculate the layouts like the fix-layout but will also
> move files to their new locations based on the new layout ranges. This
> could take a lot of time depending on the number of files/directories on
> the volume. If you do this, I would recommend that you turn off
> lookup-optimize until the rebalance is over.
>> Since the brick is already fairly size balanced could I get away with
>> running fix-layout but not rebalance? Or would the new dht layout mean
>> slower accesses since the files may be expected on different bricks?
> The first access for a file will be slower. The next one will be faster as
> the location will be cached in the client's in-memory structures.
> You may not need to run either a fix-layout or a rebalance if new file
> creations will be in directories created after the add-brick. Gluster will
> automatically include all 7 bricks for those directories.
> Regards,
> Nithya
>> Thanks,
>>  -Matthew
>> --
>> Matthew Benstead
>> System Administrator
>> Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium <https://pacificclimate.org/>
>> University of Victoria, UH1
>> PO Box 1800, STN CSC
>> Victoria, BC, V8W 2Y2
>> Phone: +1-250-721-8432
>> Email: matth...@uvic.ca
>> On 7/24/19 9:30 PM, Nithya Balachandran wrote:
>> On Wed, 24 Jul 2019 at 22:12, Matthew Benstead <matth...@uvic.ca> wrote:
>>> So looking more closely at the trusted.glusterfs.dht attributes from the
>>> bricks it looks like they cover the entire range... and there is no range
>>> left for gluster07.
>>> The first 6 bricks range from 0x00000000 to 0xffffffff - so... is there
>>> a way to re-calculate what the dht values should be? Each of the bricks
>>> should have a gap
>>> Gluster05 00000000 -> 2aaaaaa9
>>> Gluster06 2aaaaaaa -> 55555553
>>> Gluster01 55555554 -> 7ffffffd
>>> Gluster02 7ffffffe -> aaaaaaa7
>>> Gluster03 aaaaaaa8 -> d5555551
>>> Gluster04 d5555552 -> ffffffff
>>> Gluster07 None
>>> If we split the range into 7 servers that would be a gap of about
>>> 0x24924924 for each server.
>>> Now in terms of the gluster07 brick, about 2 years ago the RAID array
>>> the brick was stored on became corrupted. I ran the remove-brick force
>>> command, then provisioned a new server, ran the add-brick command and then
>>> restored the missing files from backup by copying them back to the main
>>> gluster mount (not the brick).
>> Did you run a rebalance after performing the add-brick? Without a
>> rebalance/fix-layout , the layout for existing directories on the volume
>> will not  be updated to use the new brick as well.
>> That the layout does not include the new brick in the root dir is in
>> itself is not a problem. Do you create a lot of files directly in the root
>> of the volume? If yes, you might want to run a rebalance. Otherwise, if you
>> mostly create files in newly added directories, you can probably ignore
>> this. You can check the layout for directories on the volume and see if
>> they incorporate the brick7.
>> I would expect a lookup on the root to have set an xattr on the brick
>> with an empty layout range . The fact that the xattr does not exist at all
>> on the brick is what I am looking into.
>> It looks like prior to that event this was the layout - which would make
>>> sense given the equal size of the 7 bricks:
>>> gluster02.pcic.uvic.ca | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
>>> # file: /mnt/raid6-storage/storage
>>> trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x000000010000000048bfff206d1ffe5f
>>> gluster05.pcic.uvic.ca | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
>>> # file: /mnt/raid6-storage/storage
>>> trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0000000100000000b5dffce0da3ffc1f
>>> gluster04.pcic.uvic.ca | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
>>> # file: /mnt/raid6-storage/storage
>>> trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0000000100000000917ffda0b5dffcdf
>>> gluster03.pcic.uvic.ca | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
>>> # file: /mnt/raid6-storage/storage
>>> trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x00000001000000006d1ffe60917ffd9f
>>> gluster01.pcic.uvic.ca | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
>>> # file: /mnt/raid6-storage/storage
>>> trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0000000100000000245fffe048bfff1f
>>> gluster07.pcic.uvic.ca | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
>>> # file: /mnt/raid6-storage/storage
>>> trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x000000010000000000000000245fffdf
>>> gluster06.pcic.uvic.ca | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
>>> # file: /mnt/raid6-storage/storage
>>> trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0000000100000000da3ffc20ffffffff
>>> Which yields the following:
>>> 00000000 -> 245fffdf    Gluster07
>>> 245fffe0 -> 48bfff1f    Gluster01
>>> 48bfff20 -> 6d1ffe5f    Gluster02
>>> 6d1ffe60 -> 917ffd9f    Gluster03
>>> 917ffda0 -> b5dffcdf    Gluster04
>>> b5dffce0 -> da3ffc1f    Gluster05
>>> da3ffc20 -> ffffffff    Gluster06
>>> Is there some way to get back to this?
>>> Thanks,
>>>  -Matthew
>>> --
>>> Matthew Benstead
>>> System Administrator
>>> Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium <https://pacificclimate.org/>
>>> University of Victoria, UH1
>>> PO Box 1800, STN CSC
>>> Victoria, BC, V8W 2Y2
>>> Phone: +1-250-721-8432
>>> Email: matth...@uvic.ca
>>> On 7/18/19 7:20 AM, Matthew Benstead wrote:
>>> Hi Nithya,
>>> No - it was added about a year and a half ago. I have tried re-mounting
>>> the volume on the server, but it didn't add the attr:
>>> [root@gluster07 ~]# umount /storage/
>>> [root@gluster07 ~]# cat /etc/fstab | grep "/storage"
>>> /storage glusterfs
>>> defaults,log-level=WARNING,backupvolfile-server= 0 0
>>> [root@gluster07 ~]# mount /storage/
>>> [root@gluster07 ~]# df -h /storage/
>>> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>>>  255T  194T   62T  77% /storage
>>> [root@gluster07 ~]# getfattr --absolute-names -m . -d -e hex
>>> /mnt/raid6-storage/storage/
>>> # file: /mnt/raid6-storage/storage/
>>> security.selinux=0x756e636f6e66696e65645f753a6f626a6563745f723a756e6c6162656c65645f743a733000
>>> trusted.gfid=0x00000000000000000000000000000001
>>> trusted.glusterfs.6f95525a-94d7-4174-bac4-e1a18fe010a2.xtime=0x5d307baa00023ec0
>>> trusted.glusterfs.quota.dirty=0x3000
>>> trusted.glusterfs.quota.size.2=0x00001b71d5279e000000000000763e32000000000005cd53
>>> trusted.glusterfs.volume-id=0x6f95525a94d74174bac4e1a18fe010a2
>>> Thanks,
>>>  -Matthew
>>> On 7/17/19 10:04 PM, Nithya Balachandran wrote:
>>> Hi Matthew,
>>> Was this node/brick added to the volume recently? If yes, try mounting
>>> the volume on a fresh mount point - that should create the xattr on this as
>>> well.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nithya
>>> On Wed, 17 Jul 2019 at 21:01, Matthew Benstead <matth...@uvic.ca> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I've just noticed one brick in my 7 node distribute volume is missing
>>>> the trusted.glusterfs.dht xattr...? How can I fix this?
>>>> I'm running glusterfs-5.3-2.el7.x86_64 on CentOS 7.
>>>> All of the other nodes are fine, but gluster07 from the list below does
>>>> not have the attribute.
>>>> $ ansible -i hosts gluster-servers[0:6] ... -m shell -a "getfattr -m .
>>>> --absolute-names -n trusted.glusterfs.dht -e hex
>>>> /mnt/raid6-storage/storage"
>>>> ...
>>>> gluster05 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
>>>> # file: /mnt/raid6-storage/storage
>>>> trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0000000100000000000000002aaaaaa9
>>>> gluster03 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
>>>> # file: /mnt/raid6-storage/storage
>>>> trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0000000100000000aaaaaaa8d5555551
>>>> gluster04 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
>>>> # file: /mnt/raid6-storage/storage
>>>> trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0000000100000000d5555552ffffffff
>>>> gluster06 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
>>>> # file: /mnt/raid6-storage/storage
>>>> trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x00000001000000002aaaaaaa55555553
>>>> gluster02 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
>>>> # file: /mnt/raid6-storage/storage
>>>> trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x00000001000000007ffffffeaaaaaaa7
>>>> gluster07 | FAILED | rc=1 >>
>>>> /mnt/raid6-storage/storage: trusted.glusterfs.dht: No such
>>>> attributenon-zero return code
>>>> gluster01 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
>>>> # file: /mnt/raid6-storage/storage
>>>> trusted.glusterfs.dht=0x0000000100000000555555547ffffffd
>>>> Here are all of the attr's from the brick:
>>>> [root@gluster07 ~]# getfattr --absolute-names -m . -d -e hex
>>>> /mnt/raid6-storage/storage/
>>>> # file: /mnt/raid6-storage/storage/
>>>> security.selinux=0x756e636f6e66696e65645f753a6f626a6563745f723a756e6c6162656c65645f743a733000
>>>> trusted.gfid=0x00000000000000000000000000000001
>>>> trusted.glusterfs.6f95525a-94d7-4174-bac4-e1a18fe010a2.xtime=0x5d2dee800001fdf9
>>>> trusted.glusterfs.quota.dirty=0x3000
>>>> trusted.glusterfs.quota.size.2=0x00001b69498a1400000000000076332e000000000005cd03
>>>> trusted.glusterfs.volume-id=0x6f95525a94d74174bac4e1a18fe010a2
>>>> And here is the volume information:
>>>> [root@gluster07 ~]# gluster volume info storage
>>>> Volume Name: storage
>>>> Type: Distribute
>>>> Volume ID: 6f95525a-94d7-4174-bac4-e1a18fe010a2
>>>> Status: Started
>>>> Snapshot Count: 0
>>>> Number of Bricks: 7
>>>> Transport-type: tcp
>>>> Bricks:
>>>> Brick1:
>>>> Brick2:
>>>> Brick3:
>>>> Brick4:
>>>> Brick5:
>>>> Brick6:
>>>> Brick7:
>>>> Options Reconfigured:
>>>> changelog.changelog: on
>>>> features.quota-deem-statfs: on
>>>> features.read-only: off
>>>> features.inode-quota: on
>>>> features.quota: on
>>>> performance.readdir-ahead: on
>>>> nfs.disable: on
>>>> geo-replication.indexing: on
>>>> geo-replication.ignore-pid-check: on
>>>> transport.address-family: inet
>>>> Thanks,
>>>>  -Matthew
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