You didn't specify correctly the IP in the SANS but I'm not sure if that's the 
root cause.
In the SANs section Specify all hosts + their IPs: 

 What is the output from the client:openssl s_client -showcerts -connect 
There is a very good article on the 

Can you check it for a missed step ?Can you share the volume settings ?
Best Regards,Strahil Nikolov
  On Sun, Jan 28, 2024 at 11:38, Stefan Kania<> wrote:   
Hi Strahil,

ok, that's what I did now to create the certificate:
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -key glusterfs.key  -out "glusterfs.pem" -days 
365 -subj "/C=de/ST=SH/L=St. 
Michel/O=stka/OU=gluster-nodes/CN=c01.gluster" -addext "subjectAltName = 
still the same. The communication between the gluster-nodes is working 
with TLS, but the client can't mount the volume anymore. I now try to 
mount the volume with  log-level=trace

mount -t glusterfs -o log-level=trace  c02.gluster:/gv1 /mnt

and got the following:
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.348905 +0000] I [MSGID: 100030] 
[glusterfsd.c:2767:main] 0-/usr/sbin/glusterfs: Started running version 
[{arg=/usr/sbin/glusterfs}, {version=10.5}, 
{cmdlinestr=/usr/sbin/glusterfs --log-level=TRACE --process-name fuse 
--volfile-server=c02.gluster --volfile-id=/gv1 /mnt}]
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.349095 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[xlator.c:388:xlator_dynload] 0-xlator: attempt to load file 
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.349650 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[xlator.c:301:xlator_dynload_apis] 0-xlator: fuse: method missing 
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.349728 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[xlator.c:319:xlator_dynload_apis] 0-xlator: fuse: method missing 
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.349854 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[xlator.c:325:xlator_dynload_apis] 0-xlator: fuse: method missing 
(pass_through_fops), falling back to default
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.349979 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] 
[glusterfsd.c:421:set_fuse_mount_options] 0-glusterfsd: fopen-keep-cache 
mode 2
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.350111 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] 
[glusterfsd.c:465:set_fuse_mount_options] 0-glusterfsd: fuse direct io 
type 2
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.350222 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] 
[glusterfsd.c:478:set_fuse_mount_options] 0-glusterfsd: fuse 
no-root-squash mode 0
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.350347 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] 
[glusterfsd.c:519:set_fuse_mount_options] 0-glusterfsd: 
kernel-writeback-cache mode 2
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.350458 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] 
[glusterfsd.c:537:set_fuse_mount_options] 0-glusterfsd: 
fuse-flush-handle-interrupt mode 2
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.350674 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1239:xlator_option_init_double] 0-fuse: option 
attribute-timeout using default value 1.0
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.350792 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:513:xlator_option_validate_double] 0-fuse: no range check 
required for 'option attribute-timeout 1.0'
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.350925 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1230:xlator_option_init_uint32] 0-fuse: option 
reader-thread-count using default value 1
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.351133 +0000] D [dict.c:2503:dict_get_str] 
[0x7ff513e358df] ) 0-dict: key auto-invalidation, string type asked, has 
unsigned integer type [Das Argument ist ungültig]
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.351262 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1236:xlator_option_init_bool] 0-fuse: option 
auto-invalidation using set value 0
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.351514 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1239:xlator_option_init_double] 0-fuse: option entry-timeout 
using default value 1.0
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.351661 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:513:xlator_option_validate_double] 0-fuse: no range check 
required for 'option entry-timeout 1.0'
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.351894 +0000] D [dict.c:2503:dict_get_str] 
[0x7ff513e358df] ) 0-dict: key negative-timeout, string type asked, has 
float type [Das Argument ist ungültig]
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.351970 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1239:xlator_option_init_double] 0-fuse: option 
negative-timeout using set value 0.000000
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.352092 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:513:xlator_option_validate_double] 0-fuse: no range check 
required for 'option negative-timeout 0.000000'
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.352283 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1231:xlator_option_init_int32] 0-fuse: option client-pid not set
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.352402 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1230:xlator_option_init_uint32] 0-fuse: option uid-map-root 
not set
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.352527 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1236:xlator_option_init_bool] 0-fuse: option 
strict-volfile-check using default value false
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.352649 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1236:xlator_option_init_bool] 0-fuse: option acl using 
default value false
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.352826 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1236:xlator_option_init_bool] 0-fuse: option selinux using 
default value false
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.352947 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1236:xlator_option_init_bool] 0-fuse: option capability using 
default value false
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.353065 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1236:xlator_option_init_bool] 0-fuse: option read-only not set
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.353169 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1236:xlator_option_init_bool] 0-fuse: option enable-ino32 
using default value false
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.353311 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1236:xlator_option_init_bool] 0-fuse: option use-readdirp 
using default value yes
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.353518 +0000] D [dict.c:2503:dict_get_str] 
[0x7ff513e358df] ) 0-dict: key sync-to-mount, string type asked, has 
pointer type [Das Argument ist ungültig]
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.353644 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1240:xlator_option_init_time] 0-fuse: option gid-timeout 
using default value 300
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.353766 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:80:xlator_option_validate_int] 0-fuse: no range check 
required for 'option gid-timeout 300'
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.353887 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1227:xlator_option_init_str] 0-fuse: option fuse-mountopts 
not set
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.354028 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1236:xlator_option_init_bool] 0-fuse: option resolve-gids 
using default value false
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.354140 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1231:xlator_option_init_int32] 0-fuse: option background-qlen 
using default value 64
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.354311 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1231:xlator_option_init_int32] 0-fuse: option 
congestion-threshold using default value 48
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.354452 +0000] D [dict.c:2503:dict_get_str] 
[0x7ff513e358df] ) 0-dict: key no-root-squash, string type asked, has 
pointer type [Das Argument ist ungültig]
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.354519 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1236:xlator_option_init_bool] 0-fuse: option no-root-squash 
using set value disable
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.354671 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1230:xlator_option_init_uint32] 0-fuse: option lru-limit 
using default value 65536
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.354769 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:80:xlator_option_validate_int] 0-fuse: no range check 
required for 'option lru-limit 65536'
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.354974 +0000] D [dict.c:2503:dict_get_str] 
[0x7ff513e358df] ) 0-dict: key invalidate-limit, string type asked, has 
integer type [Das Argument ist ungültig]
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.355042 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1230:xlator_option_init_uint32] 0-fuse: option 
invalidate-limit using set value 0
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.355255 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:80:xlator_option_validate_int] 0-fuse: no range check 
required for 'option invalidate-limit 0'
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.355366 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1236:xlator_option_init_bool] 0-fuse: option event-history 
using default value false
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.355480 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1236:xlator_option_init_bool] 0-fuse: option thin-client 
using default value false
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.355581 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1236:xlator_option_init_bool] 0-fuse: option 
kernel-writeback-cache using default value false
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.355679 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1231:xlator_option_init_int32] 0-fuse: option 
attr-times-granularity using default value 0
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.355873 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1236:xlator_option_init_bool] 0-fuse: option 
flush-handle-interrupt using default value false
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.356004 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:1230:xlator_option_init_uint32] 0-fuse: option 
fuse-dev-eperm-ratelimit-ns using default value 10000000
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.358563 +0000] I [glusterfsd.c:2447:daemonize] 
0-glusterfs: Pid of current running process is 792
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.358647 +0000] D 
[logging.c:1705:__gf_log_inject_timer_event] 0-logging-infra: Starting 
timer now. Timeout = 120, current buf size = 5
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.362664 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] [gf-io.c:513:gf_io_run] 
0-io: Trying I/O engine 'io_uring'
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.363447 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] 
[gf-io-uring.c:191:gf_io_uring_dump_params] 0-io: I/O URing: SQEs=32768, 
CQEs=65536, CPU=0, Idle=0
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.363523 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] 
[gf-io-uring.c:196:gf_io_uring_dump_params] 0-io: I/O URing: Flags: 
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.363663 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] 
[gf-io-uring.c:199:gf_io_uring_dump_params] 0-io: I/O URing: Features: 
EXT_ARG(100) NATIVE_WORKERS(200) ?(1c00)
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.363800 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] 
[gf-io-uring.c:251:gf_io_uring_dump_ops] 0-io: I/O URing: Max opcode = 48
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.363932 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] 
[gf-io-uring.c:270:gf_io_uring_dump_ops] 0-io: I/O URing: Ops: NOP(0) 
?(38) ?(39) ?(40) ?(41) ?(42) ?(43) ?(44) ?(45) ?(46) ?(47) ?(48)
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.364281 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] [gf-io.c:517:gf_io_run] 
0-io: I/O engine 'io_uring' is ready
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.365254 +0000] D 
[rpc-clnt.c:1018:rpc_clnt_connection_init] 0-glusterfs: defaulting 
frame-timeout to 30mins
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.365410 +0000] D 
[rpc-clnt.c:1030:rpc_clnt_connection_init] 0-glusterfs: disable ping-timeout
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.365501 +0000] D 
[rpc-transport.c:278:rpc_transport_load] 0-rpc-transport: attempt to 
load file /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glusterfs/10.5/rpc-transport/
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.366186 +0000] D [MSGID: 101233] 
[options.c:973:xl_opt_validate] 0-glusterfs: option is deprecated, 
continuing with correction [{key=address-family}, 
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.366264 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[options.c:80:xlator_option_validate_int] 0-glusterfs: no range check 
required for 'option remote-port 24007'
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.367351 +0000] D [socket.c:4561:socket_init] 
0-glusterfs: Configured transport.tcp-user-timeout=42
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.367566 +0000] D [socket.c:4581:socket_init] 
0-glusterfs: Reconfigured transport.keepalivecnt=9
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.367629 +0000] D 
[rpc-clnt.c:1591:rpcclnt_cbk_program_register] 0-glusterfs: New program 
registered: GlusterFS Callback, Num: 52743234, Ver: 1
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.367748 +0000] T [rpc-clnt.c:396:rpc_clnt_reconnect] 
0-glusterfs: attempting reconnect
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.367865 +0000] T [socket.c:3377:socket_connect] 
0-glusterfs: connecting 0x7ff50c007768, sock=-1
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.368068 +0000] D [dict.c:1290:data_to_uint16] 
[0x7ff513e32676] ) 0-dict: key null, unsigned integer type asked, has 
integer type [Das Argument ist ungültig] # --> the argument is invalide
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.368170 +0000] T [MSGID: 0] 
[common-utils.c:504:gf_resolve_ip6] 0-resolver: DNS cache not present, 
freshly probing hostname: c02.gluster
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.368577 +0000] D [MSGID: 0] 
[common-utils.c:542:gf_resolve_ip6] 0-resolver: returning 
ip- (port-24007) for hostname: c02.gluster and port: 24007
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.368641 +0000] D [socket.c:3294:socket_fix_ssl_opts] 
0-glusterfs: disabling SSL for portmapper connection
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.368739 +0000] T [socket.c:1021:__socket_nodelay] 
0-glusterfs: NODELAY enabled for socket 11
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.368846 +0000] T [socket.c:1107:__socket_keepalive] 
0-glusterfs: Keep-alive enabled for socket: 11, (idle: 20, interval: 2, 
max-probes: 9, timeout: 42)
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.368954 +0000] T [socket.c:3495:socket_connect] 
0-glusterfs: >>> connect() with non-blocking IO for ALL
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.369071 +0000] T [socket.c:206:socket_dump_info] 
0-glusterfs: $$$ client: connecting to (af:2,sock:11) 
non-SSL (errno:0:Erfolg)
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.369501 +0000] I [MSGID: 101190] 
[event-epoll.c:667:event_dispatch_epoll_worker] 0-epoll: Started thread 
with index [{index=1}]
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.369565 +0000] T 
[socket.c:2897:socket_event_handler] 0-glusterfs: client (sock:11) in:0, 
out:4, err:0
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.369682 +0000] T 
[socket.c:2903:socket_event_handler] 0-glusterfs: client (sock:11) 
socket is not connected, completing connection
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.369872 +0000] T 
[rpc-clnt.c:1443:rpc_clnt_record_build_header] 0-rpc-clnt: Request 
fraglen 140, payload: 76, rpc hdr: 64
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.369990 +0000] T [rpc-clnt.c:1729:rpc_clnt_submit] 
0-rpc-clnt: submitted request (unique: 0, XID: 0x2, Program: GlusterFS 
Handshake, ProgVers: 2, Proc: 2) to rpc-transport (glusterfs)
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.370068 +0000] D 
[rpc-clnt-ping.c:296:rpc_clnt_start_ping] 0-glusterfs: ping timeout is 
0, returning
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.370207 +0000] T 
[socket.c:2803:socket_handle_client_connection_attempt] 0-glusterfs: 
socket_connect_finish() returned 0
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.370301 +0000] T 
[socket.c:2910:socket_event_handler] 0-glusterfs: (sock:11) 
socket_complete_connection() returned 1
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.370471 +0000] T 
[socket.c:2916:socket_event_handler] 0-glusterfs: (sock:11) returning to 
wait on socket
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.370529 +0000] T 
[socket.c:2897:socket_event_handler] 0-glusterfs: client (sock:11) in:0, 
out:4, err:0
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.370668 +0000] T 
[socket.c:2923:socket_event_handler] 0-glusterfs: Client socket (11) is 
already connected
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.370733 +0000] T 
[socket.c:2932:socket_event_handler] 0-glusterfs: (sock:11) 
socket_event_poll_out returned 0
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.370837 +0000] I [MSGID: 101190] 
[event-epoll.c:667:event_dispatch_epoll_worker] 0-epoll: Started thread 
with index [{index=0}]
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.374114 +0000] T 
[socket.c:2897:socket_event_handler] 0-glusterfs: client (sock:11) in:1, 
out:0, err:24
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.374179 +0000] T [socket.c:206:socket_dump_info] 
0-glusterfs: $$$ client: disconnecting from (af:2,sock:11) 
non-SSL (errno:104:Die Verbindung wurde vom Kommunikationspartner 
zurückgesetzt) # --> connection reseted by peer
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.374326 +0000] D 
[socket.c:2966:socket_event_handler] 0-transport: EPOLLERR - 
disconnecting (sock:11) (non-SSL)
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.374447 +0000] I 
[glusterfsd-mgmt.c:2681:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glusterfsd-mgmt: disconnected 
from remote-host: c02.gluster
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.374529 +0000] I 
[glusterfsd-mgmt.c:2720:mgmt_rpc_notify] 0-glusterfsd-mgmt: Exhausted 
all volfile servers
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.375599 +0000] D 
[logging.c:1675:gf_log_flush_extra_msgs] 0-logging-infra: Log buffer 
size reduced. About to flush 5 extra log messages
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.375716 +0000] D 
[logging.c:1681:gf_log_flush_extra_msgs] 0-logging-infra: Just flushed 5 
extra log messages
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.375878 +0000] W 
(-->/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7ff513de8a35] 
-->/usr/sbin/glusterfs(+0x14769) [0x564f61e2c769] 
-->/usr/sbin/glusterfs(cleanup_and_exit+0x57) [0x564f61e23447] ) 0-: 
received signum (1), shutting down
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.375999 +0000] D 
[mgmt-pmap.c:90:rpc_clnt_mgmt_pmap_signout] 0-fsd-mgmt: portmapper 
signout arguments not given
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.376093 +0000] I [fuse-bridge.c:7065:fini] 0-fuse: 
Unmounting '/mnt'.
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.378550 +0000] I [fuse-bridge.c:7069:fini] 0-fuse: 
Closing fuse connection to '/mnt'.
[2024-01-28 09:22:38.378765 +0000] W 
(-->/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7ff513c6d044] 
-->/usr/sbin/glusterfs(glusterfs_sigwaiter+0xc5) [0x564f61e2ae05] 
-->/usr/sbin/glusterfs(cleanup_and_exit+0x57) [0x564f61e23447] ) 0-: 
received signum (15), shutting down

So the client can resolve the hostname aand it fits to the neme of the 
gluster-host and it's fqdn.
Still the same on the gluster-host:
==> /var/log/glusterfs/glusterd.log <==
[2024-01-28 09:32:47.673142 +0000] I 
[socket.c:4288:ssl_setup_connection_params] SSL 
support for MGMT is ENABLED IO path is ENABLED certificate depth is 1 
for peer
[2024-01-28 09:32:47.677804 +0000] E [socket.c:224:ssl_dump_error_stack]  error:0A00010B:SSL routines::wrong version number
  :-( still not working. What I don't anderstand: why is it working 
between the gluster-host but not between the gluster-client and any of 
the gluster-hosts? Atre they manage the TLS connection a different way?


Am 28.01.24 um 08:44 schrieb Strahil Nikolov:
> Usually with Certificates it's always a pain.I would ask you to regenerate 
> the certificates but by adding the FQDN of the system and the IP used by the 
> clients to reach the brick in 'SANS' section of the cert. Also, set the 
> validity to 365 days for the test.
> Best Regards,Strahil Nikolov
>    On Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 21:37, Stefan Kania<> wrote: 
> Hi Aravinda
> Am 26.01.24 um 17:01 schrieb Aravinda:
>> Does the combined includes client nodes pem? Also this file
>> need to be placed in Client node as well.
> Yes, I put all the Gluster-node Certificates AND the client certificate
> into the file. And I put the file to all gluster-nodes and
> clients. I did it twice (delete all certificate and restart all over)the
> result was always the same.
> Stefan

Stefan Kania
Landweg 13
25693 St. Michaelisdonn

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