I see, I haven't updated my newer Macbook Pro from 2015 (which is Haswell)
to 10.15, but updated the XCode. There compilation and running the tests do

Am 09.10.19 um 00:44 schrieb Hans Åberg:
On 8 Oct 2019, at 23:59, Torbjörn Granlund <t...@gmplib.org> wrote:

Juergen Reuter <juergen.reu...@desy.de> writes:

  Please let me know any further information you need.

This is almost surely a compiler bug.  We have encountered countless of
bugs in clang since it showed up.  We have up-to-date apple systems for
running GMP tests, but your clang seems to be newer than what we have.
One can take down a Clang 8 binary which might be newer than the inhouse one.

I suggest that you install gcc on your system.  It might be a pain to
compile if you only have a buggy clang on your system, but I believe
there are precompiled gcc ready to download.
One suggestion is MacPorts which has not yet been updated for this MacOS 10.15.

Juergen Reuter
DESY Theory Group, Bldg. 2a
Notkestr. 85
22607 Hamburg, GERMANY
Tel +49 (0)40 8998 3895
Fax +49 (0)40 8998 2777
skype: jr_reuter

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