On Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 7:40 PM Simon Sobisch <simonsobi...@gnu.org> wrote:

> [snip]
> The question is still why the ABI 64 is chosen on this system. Any idea?

You might get some hints if you compare the config.log for this
(succeeding) build against the config.log for the (failing) build for which
no ABI argument was provided.

With mingw-w64 port of 32-bit gcc-13.2.0 on Windows 11 I find no need to
specify "ABI=32" when building gmp-6.3.0.

However, I did strike  the same issue as you've found when I built gmp on
Windows 7 using mingw-w64 port of 32-bit gcc-5.3.0.
That was a while ago, and I simply opted to specify the ABI, as you have
I haven't tried to determine where the blame lay.

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