On Mon, 2007-10-29 at 12:53 +0800, Peter Rock wrote:
> Sorry yes near the bottom of the file. here is the text I'm concerned about...
> ===============================================================================
> The following programs have restrictions on their use or source:
> hpcdtoppm package:
> ==================
> hpcdtoppm pcdindex
> *  Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994 by Hadmut Danisch ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
> *  Permission to use and distribute this software and its
> *  documentation for noncommercial use and without fee is hereby granted,
> *  provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
> *  both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
> *  supporting documentation. It is not allowed to sell this software in
> *  any way. This software is not public domain.
> --------------------------
> Above this is a heading stating programs in the package that were not
> included due to patent issues. But then there is a clear break and
> this text comes up. So I'm not sure if this means hpcdtoppm is or
> isn't included.

I cant find the package at p.u.c - 

theres one wich is 'netpbm', so i'm going to talk to that.

I extracted netpbm and it looks clean - if one of the supporting
packages holds those two binaries it may still be a problem.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/netpbm/usr$ ls bin/ |grep -e hpcdtoppm -e pcdindex


> On 10/29/07, Karl Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Mon, 2007-10-29 at 09:02 +0800, Peter Rock wrote:
> > > I've raised the following bug...
> > >
> > > http://bugs.gnewsense.org/Bugs/00127
> > >
> > > A part of the package cannot be distributed for a fee making it
> > > non-free software.
> >
> > sorry - could you be a bit more specific?
> > - have you checked the page ships the non-free code?
> > - are you referin to the 'non-free' section at the bottom of the
> > copyright file?
> >
> > btw, that package looks pretty hardcore to take on :)
> > kk
> >
> > >
> > >
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> > --
> > Karl Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Debian / Ubuntu / gNewSense
> >
> >
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