Last night's Python SIG meeting, at the Amoskeag Business Incubator
(as usual) turned out to be one of the liveliest we've had.  Janet's
cookies (again as usual) probably helped; they were laced with chocolate.

Ted Roche kindly stepped up to chair the meeting, and also volunteered
some Python code for peer review - he's using a script which sends
e-mail to all project engineers when each commit to his Subversion
repository is made.  About twelve lines of code, courtesy of the
Python "batteries included" (also as usual) library module, in this
case SMTPlib.  Ted also showed off his new installation of Xubuntu,
a distro tuned for smaller/older hardware, running on an old Dell 233
laptop, and was able to demonstrate shutdown, suspend, and hibernate.
Also Eclipse integration with Subversion - a significant Eclipse
 release is nearly here.
Also his RSS news aggregator, and Amphetadesk, and more...

Peter Beardsley described his current Python project, a front-end to
Mah Jongg, and invited comments/advice on GUI frameworks.  A lively
discussion ensued in which the relative merits of PyGTK and WxPython
were discussed.  Tk was not mentioned.

Bill Sconce debriefed his visit to the Northeast Linux Symposium, where
the major Python news was SchoolTool, a School Information System which
hopes to be ready for testing later this year.

Alex Hewitt and Bill Freeman had things to say about Python too, but
I don't remember them.  Alex and Bill have in common that they enjoy R/C
helicopters,..  Bill assured us that in spite of the whirring blades the
machine is built to be incapable of causing any damage:  the blades
break before hurting anything.  (Hm.  They DID have a few chips in them.)
I hope ABI lets PySIG come back next time...

Next PySIG meeting is 27th July.  Speaker to be announced.  Be there!

MahJongg'ly yrs,


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