;;; cscope.el --- enhanced Emacs support for the cscope source browser

;; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Bryan O'Sullivan.
;; All Rights Reserved.

;; Author: Bryan O'Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

;; cscope.el ("this file") is free software; you can redistribute it
;; and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General
;; Public License ("the GPL") as published by the Free Software
;; Foundation.  You may not redistribute it or modify this file under
;; the terms of any other license, including any other version of the
;; GPL.

;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this file,
;; GNU Emacs, or XEmacs; see the file COPYING (`C-h C-l').  If not,
;; write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
;; Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Commentary:

;; This mode adds support for the cscope source browser into GNU Emacs
;; and XEmacs.

;; To get going as quickly as possible, load this file into Emacs and
;; type `C-c c h'; this runs cscope-help-overview, which prints a
;; helpful usage overview.

;; There already exist two similar packages for Emacs: xcscope.el, by
;; Darryl Okahata (distributed with cscope itself), and a much older
;; cscope.el, which seems to have been lost to the mists of time.

;; Although this package takes some cues from Darryl's xcscope.el, I
;; find that package to be bafflingly complex, and overly tied to the
;; magic indexing script that it comes with.  This package shares no
;; code with xcscope.el, and is hopefully both easier to use and less
;; tied to an external program.

;; This code has been developed under XEmacs 21.4, and may will not
;; work as well under GNU Emacs (albeit tested under 21.2).  Patches
;; to enhance the portability of this code, fix bugs, and add features
;; are most welcome.  You can obtain a Mercurial repository for this
;; package by cloning http://hg.serpentine.com/cscope-fu

;; Please send problem reports and suggestions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

;;; Code:

(require 'thingatpt)

;; XEmacs has view-less, while GNU Emacs has view.  Joy.

(condition-case nil
    (require 'view-less)
  (error nil))
(condition-case nil
    (require 'view)
  (error nil))

(defgroup cscope nil
  "Cscope Source Browser."
  :group 'tools)

(defconst cscope-running-xemacs (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
  "Is cscope.el running under XEmacs?")

(defcustom cscope-last-directory nil
  "The last directory that we searched containing a cscope database."
  :type 'directory
  :group 'cscope)

(defconst cscope-search-descriptions
     "global definition"
     "functions called by"
     "functions calling"
     "text string"
     nil ;; change text string
     "regular expression"
     "files #including"
     "all function definitions"
     "all symbol assignments"))
  "Descriptions of cscope search fields.

Cscope has a particularly bizarre and brain-dead way of specifying
which kind of search to perform.  Its curses user interface provides a
menu of some number of searches.  When using the batch-oriented
interface, you specify which search to perform by providing its
numeric offset into this menu.

This is vaguely hinted at in the cscope manual page, but in such a way
that you could only hope to understand it if you already knew how the
mechanism worked.  To make matters worse, the kinds of search
available, and the offset of each kind of search, change depending on
the version of cscope in use.  Aaargh.")

(defcustom cscope-binary "cscope"
  "The path to the cscope executable."
  :type '(file :must-match t)
  :group 'cscope)

(defcustom cscope-version
  (let ((output (with-output-to-string
                    (call-process cscope-binary nil t nil "-V")))))
    (when (string-match "version \\([^\n]+\\)" output)
      (substring output (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
  "The version of scsope being used."
  :type '(string)
  :group 'cscope)

(defcustom cscope-args nil
  "List of extra arguments to pass to cscope."
  :type '(string)
  :group 'cscope)

(when (featurep 'menubar)
  (add-submenu '("Tools")
                 ["Search..."           cscope-search           t]
                 ["Next Match"          cscope-next-result      t]
                 ["Previous Match"      cscope-previous-result  t])

(defcustom cscope-special-tree-alist
  '(("Linux kernel" "Documentation/ramdisk.txt")
    ("GNU C library" "manual/libm-err.texi")
    ("klibc" "klibc/sleep.c")
    ("Pro64 compiler" "gccfe/gnu/f/lang-options.h"))
  "Alist of (TREE . FILES) pairs identifying special trees.
A special tree is a kernel or C library tree, for which cscope should
not additionally search for files in /usr/include.

TREE is the descriptive name of a tree\; FILES is a list of relative
paths to unique files within that tree.  If any of FILES exists, we
believe ourselves to be inside TREE."
  :type '(repeat (string . string))
  :group 'cscope)

(global-set-key [(meta ?\`)] 'cscope-search)
(global-set-key [(meta ?\])] 'cscope-next-result)
(global-set-key [(meta ?\[)] 'cscope-previous-result)

(global-set-key [(control c) c h] 'cscope-help-overview)

(defvar cscope-result-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap
  "Keymap for cscope-result-mode.")
(fset 'cscope-result-mode-map cscope-result-mode-map)

(define-key cscope-result-mode-map
  (if cscope-running-xemacs [button2] [mouse-2])

(define-key cscope-result-mode-map [space] 'scroll-up-command)
(define-key cscope-result-mode-map [backspace] 'scroll-down-command)
(define-key cscope-result-mode-map [return] 'cscope-result-at-point)
(define-key cscope-result-mode-map [h] 'describe-mode)
(define-key cscope-result-mode-map [n] 'cscope-next-result)
(define-key cscope-result-mode-map [p] 'cscope-previous-result)
(define-key cscope-result-mode-map [Q] 'cscope-quit)
(define-key cscope-result-mode-map [q] 'cscope-kill)

(defvar cscope-last-buffer nil
  "The last buffer in which a cscope result was produced.")

(defvar cscope-last-point nil
  "The last point from which a cscope result was jumped to.")

(defvar cscope-result-mode-hook nil
  "*Hook called when entering cscope-result-mode.")

(defun cscope-search-descriptions ()
  "Return an alist of (ITEM . INDEX) of search types supported by
  (unless cscope-version
    (error "I do not know which version of cscope is in use"))
  (let ((stuff (assoc cscope-version cscope-search-descriptions))
        (index 0)
    (unless stuff
      (error "I do not know how to work with cscope version %s"
    (dolist (item (cdr stuff) items)
      (setq items (cons (cons item index) items)
            index (1+ index)))))

(defun cscope-result-mode ()
  "Major mode for displaying the results of cscope searches.

Middle mouse button or \\[cscope-result-at-point] on a result selects
a result.

\\[cscope-next-result]          cscope-next-result
\\[cscope-previous-result]              cscope-previous-result
\\[cscope-result-at-point]              cscope-result-at-point
\\[scroll-up-command]           scroll-up-command
\\[scroll-down-command] scroll-down-command
\\[cscope-quit]         cscope-quit
\\[cscope-kill]         cscope-kill
\\[describe-mode]               describe-mode
  (setq cscope-last-buffer (current-buffer)
        cscope-last-point 1
        major-mode 'cscope-result-mode
        mode-name "Cscope")
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
  (toggle-read-only t)
  (use-local-map cscope-result-mode-map)
  (setq truncate-lines t)
  (run-hooks 'cscope-result-mode-hook))

(unless (fboundp 'view-minor-mode)
  (defun view-minor-mode (prev-buffer exit-func)

(defun cscope-exit-view-mode (buf)
  "Exit from view-mode.
We delete the current window if entering cscope-view-mode split the
current frame."
  (when (and (eq buf (current-buffer))
             (> (length (window-list)) 1))
  (when (buffer-live-p buf)
    (kill-buffer buf)))

(defun cscope-help-overview ()
  "This is an overview of Emacs support for the cscope source browser.

You are using the following version of the cscope.el package:

You can find the source code, license (GPL v2), and credits for this
code by typing `M-x find-library cscope RET'.

Global key bindings:

Perform a search                        \\[cscope-search]       cscope-search
Go to the next search result            \\[cscope-next-result]  
Go to the previous search
result  \\[cscope-previous-result]      cscope-previous-result"
  (let ((prev-buf (current-buffer))
        (buf-name "*Cscope: Help Overview*"))
    (kill-buffer (get-buffer-create buf-name))
    (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create buf-name))
    (insert (documentation 'cscope-help-overview))
    (view-minor-mode prev-buf 'cscope-exit-view-mode)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
    (toggle-read-only t)
    (view-minor-mode prev-buf 'cscope-exit-view-mode)))

(defun cscope-quit (&optional kill)
  "Quit the current cscope search result buffer.
If KILL is non-kill, kill the buffer; otherwise, bury it."
  (interactive "P")
  (unless (eq major-mode 'cscope-result-mode)
    (error "Called outside a cscope-result-mode buffer!"))
  (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
    (when (> (length (window-list)) 1)
    (if kill
        (kill-buffer buf)
      (set-buffer buf)

(defun cscope-kill ()
  "Kill the current cscope search result buffer."
  (cscope-quit t))

(defun cscope-in-special-tree (&optional path)
  "Indicate whether PATH is inside a special tree.
See the variable `cscope-special-tree-alist' for what constitutes a
special tree."
  (unless path
    (setq path (if (and (interactive-p) current-prefix-arg)
                   (read-file-name "Path name: ")
  (setq path (expand-file-name path))
  (let ((cur path)
        tree root)
    (while (and (not root) (> (length cur) 0))
      (let ((trees cscope-special-tree-alist))
        (while (and (not root) trees)
          (when (some (function (lambda (file)
                                  (file-exists-p (concat cur "/" file))))
                      (cdar trees))
            (setq root cur
                  tree (caar trees)))
          (setq trees (cdr trees)))
        (setq cur (let ((dir (file-name-directory cur)))
                    (substring dir 0 (1- (length dir)))))))
    (if (interactive-p)
        (if root
            (message "The top of this %s tree is `%s'." tree root)
          (message "This path is not inside a special tree!"))

(defun cscope-find-cscope-files (&optional path)
  "Find cscope files up the tree from PATH."
  (unless path
    (setq path (if (and (interactive-p) current-prefix-arg)
                   (read-file-name "Path name: ")
  (setq path (expand-file-name path))
  (let ((cur path)
    (while (and (not root) (> (length cur) 0))
       ((file-exists-p (concat cur "/cscope.out"))
        (setq root cur))
       ((file-exists-p (concat cur "/.cscope/cscope.out"))
        (setq root (concat cur "/.cscope"))))
      (setq cur (let ((dir (file-name-directory cur)))
                  (substring dir 0 (1- (length dir))))))
    (if (interactive-p)
        (if root
            (message "Found cscope files in `%s'." root)
          (message "This path contains no cscope files!"))

(defun cs-set-extent-property (start end property value)
  "Set a property on an extent or overlay, depending on your religion."
  (if cscope-running-xemacs
      (set-extent-property (make-extent start end)
                           property value)
    (overlay-put (make-overlay start end)
                 property value)))

(defun cscope-create-magic-link (style start end file line)
  "Create a magic mousable link to a chunk of text."
  (when style
    (cs-set-extent-property start end 'face style))
  (cs-set-extent-property start end 'mouse-face 'highlight)
  (cs-set-extent-property start end 'file+line (cons file line)))

(defun cscope-result-at-point (pnt &optional this-window save)
  "Jump to the cscope result at point PNT.
If THIS-WINDOW is non-nil, jump in this window, else in another."
  (interactive "d")
  (unless pnt
    (error "What is the point?"))
  (let ((prop (get-char-property pnt 'file+line)))
    (when prop
      (when (or save (interactive-p))
        (setq cscope-last-point pnt))
      (let ((type cscope-type)
            (pattern cscope-pattern)
            (file (car prop))
            (line (cdr prop)))
        (if this-window
            (find-file file)
          (find-file-other-window file))
        (when line
          (goto-line line)
          (let ((end (save-excursion
             ((memq type '(0 1 3 7))
              (if (search-forward pattern end t)
                  (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
             ((eq type 5)
              (if (re-search-forward pattern end t)
                  (goto-char (match-beginning 0))

(defun cscope-mouse-clicked (event)
  "Translate the mouse clicks in a cscope result buffer to character
These are then handed off to `cscope-result-at-point'.

Handle frickin' frackin' gratuitous event-related incompatibilities."
  (interactive "e")
  (let ((pnt (if cscope-running-xemacs
                   (select-window (event-window event))
                   (event-point event))
               (select-window (posn-window (event-end event)))
               (posn-point (event-start event)))))
    (goto-char pnt)
    (setq cscope-last-point pnt)
    (cscope-result-at-point pnt nil t)))

(defun cscope-next-result (&optional count save)
  "Visit next cscope search result and corresponding source code.
A prefix arg specifies how many results to move\; negative means move
back to previous results."
  (interactive "p")
  (when (= count 0)
    (error "count cannot be zero!"))
  (unless (buffer-live-p cscope-last-buffer)
    (error "No cscope results to move through!"))
  (let ((this-window (not (eq (current-buffer) cscope-last-buffer)))
        (incr (if (> count 0) 1 -1)))
    (setq count (abs count))
    (set-buffer cscope-last-buffer)
    (goto-char cscope-last-point)
    (let (there)
      (while (not there)
        (when (> count 0)
          (setq count (1- count)))
        (let ((prev (line-number)))
          (forward-line incr)
          (when (= prev (line-number))
            (error "No more matches for %s" cscope-desc))
          (when (and (= count 0)
                     (let ((prop (get-char-property (point) 'file+line)))
                       (and prop (cdr prop))))
            (setq there (point)))))
      (cscope-result-at-point there this-window (or save

(defun cscope-previous-result (&optional count save)
  "Visit previous cscope search result and corresponding source code.
A prefix arg specifies how many results to move\; negative means move
forward to next results."
  (interactive "p")
  (cscope-next-result (- count) (or save (interactive-p))))

(defun cscope-process-sentinel (process event)
  (let ((buf (process-buffer process))
      (set-buffer buf)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (let (whaa)
        (setq lines (if (looking-at "^cscope: \\(.*\\)$")
                          (setq whaa (match-string 1))
                    (1- (line-number (point-max)))))
        (if whaa
            (message "Searching for %s ... %s!" cscope-desc whaa)
          (message "Searching for %s ... %d match%s"
                   (if (= lines 1) "" "es")))))
    (if (= lines 0)
        (kill-buffer buf)
      (pop-to-buffer buf)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (setq cscope-last-directory cscope-dir)
      (insert (format "%d match%s for %s:\n"
                      (if (= lines 1) "" "es")
      (let (last)
        (while (looking-at "^\\([^ ]+\\) \\([^ ]*\\) \\([^ ]+\\) \\(.*\\)$")
          (let* ((file-match 1)
                 (func-match 2)
                 (line-match 3)
                 (snip-match 4)
                 (file (buffer-substring (match-beginning file-match)
                                         (match-end file-match)))
                 (func (buffer-substring (match-beginning func-match)
                                         (match-end func-match)))
                 (line (buffer-substring (match-beginning line-match)
                                         (match-end line-match)))
                 (snip (buffer-substring (match-beginning snip-match)
                                         (match-end snip-match))))
            (if (string= file last)
                  (cscope-create-magic-link nil
                                            (match-beginning 0)
                                            (match-end 0)
                                            (string-to-number line))
                  (delete-region (match-beginning file-match)
                                 (1+ (match-end file-match))))
              (cscope-create-magic-link 'bold
                                        (match-beginning file-match)
                                        (match-end file-match)
              (cscope-create-magic-link nil
                                        (match-beginning func-match)
                                        (match-end 0)
                                        (string-to-number line))
              (setq last file)
              (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
              (insert "\n")
              (goto-char (1+ (match-end file-match)))
              (insert ":\n")
              (delete-char 1))
            (when (string= func "")
              (insert "<global>"))
            (search-forward " " nil t)
            (insert "- ")
            (search-forward " " nil t)
            (let ((goal (- 32 (current-column))))
              (while (> goal 0)
                (insert " ")
                (setq goal (1- goal)))))
          (forward-line 1)

(defvar cscope-search-type-history nil
  "History of types of cscope searches performed.")
(defvar cscope-search-pattern-history nil
  "History of cscope search patterns.")

(defun cscope-search (type pattern)
  "Perform a cscope search of type TYPE for the string PATTERN.
If called interactively, this command prompts for both TYPE and

For programmatic callers, who will surely need a description of the
truly weird meaning of TYPE, see the variable
   (let* ((search-descriptions (cscope-search-descriptions))
          (def-type (if cscope-search-type-history
                        (car cscope-search-type-history)
          (type (completing-read (format "Type of search to perform (%s): "
          (def-pattern (thing-at-point 'symbol))
          (pattern (read-string (format "Search for %s (default `%s'): "
     (list (cdr (assoc type search-descriptions))
  (let ((search-descriptions (cscope-search-descriptions)))
    (when (>= type (length search-descriptions))
      (error "Invalid search index: %d" type))
    (when (string= pattern "")
      (error "You gave me no pattern to search for!"))
    (let* ((special (cscope-in-special-tree buffer-file-name))
           (dir (or (cscope-find-cscope-files buffer-file-name)
                    (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)))
           (file-list (concat dir "/cscope.files"))
           (args (append (if special
                         (if (file-exists-p file-list)
                             (list "-i" file-list)
                         (list "-d"
                               "-P" dir
                               "-f" (concat dir "/cscope.out")
                               "-L" (format "-%d%s" type pattern)))))
      (let* ((desc (format "%s `%s'"
                           (car (elt search-descriptions type))
             (buf-name (format "*Cscope: %s*" desc)))
        (kill-buffer (get-buffer-create buf-name))
        (let* ((buf (get-buffer-create buf-name))
               (process (apply 'start-process-shell-command
                               buf-name buf "cscope" args)))
            (set-buffer buf)
            (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
            (set (make-local-variable 'cscope-dir) dir)
            (set (make-local-variable 'cscope-desc) desc)
            (set (make-local-variable 'cscope-type) type)
            (set (make-local-variable 'cscope-pattern) pattern))
          (set-process-sentinel process 'cscope-process-sentinel))
        (message "Searching for %s ..." desc)))))

(provide 'cscope)

;;; Local Variables:
;;; mode: emacs-lisp
;;; prompt-to-byte-compile: nil
;;; end:

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