Recently we have been "invited" to approve a thing which is being called
the "social contract".   If the text is read, it will be seen that it has
three parts.

The first part is the four freedoms established by Stallman many years
ago.  No problem there, we all agree with those.  Or do we?  Well I
personally do.  But GNU has for many years received contributions from
people who do not agree with its philosophy.  Many such contributors are
even employed by proprietary software companies.   So if contributors are
pressured into "endorsing" these it is likely to discourage some of the
very people who have helped us.

The second part talks about basic cooperation on technical and practical
matters within GNU.  That seems sensible too.  But wait!  When I became a
maintainer many years ago I was also asked to agree to something very
similar, and up until I stepped down, nobody told me I was relieved from
that commitment.  Non-maintainers are not asked to agree to this, because
they do not have to make high level decisions - that's the maintainer's job.
Nobody else has to agree, nor should they be asked to.

Finally the text has a non-discrimination clause.  Surely nobody could be
against that either?   Well personally I'm not.   But I don't think we
should exclude people because they have other ideals which are nothing to
do with a Free Operating System.   For example, I would vehemently disagree
with  a person who passionately believes that white people are
intellectually, morally and physically superior to black people.    But
like Voltaire, I would defend to the very end that person's right to
believe it.    This is basic freedom of rights which has made GNU (until
recently) the tolerant successful community it was.

I hope that all GNU users and contributors will support the free software
ideals.   I also think if they want to support anti-apartheid,  the
suffragette movement, pro-choice movement, animal rights, plant breeders'
rights, nuclear disarmament, pro life movement or whatever other movement
...   then that's great too.   But  I will not insist upon it nor imply
that non-support is somehow morally deficient.

Finally "endorsing" the text would give the rebel group a legitimacy which
they neither have, nor deserve.  It's instructive to look at the track
record of these renegades.   The Guile and Guix projects have both excluded
and/or vilified people who disagree with the people in power (the same
people who push the "social contract").    If you choose to endorse this
text, bear in mind that the words are imprecise so don't be surprised if,
sometime down the road, your endorsement is used as a weapon against you
when you fall out of favor with the powermongers.

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