I am presently trying to set up my GnuCash chart of accounts, and
trying to do a better job of organizing them than Quicken did ;-)

My question...I travel occasionally for business purposes, and any
expenses that I incur are reimbursed to me by the company. I may
receive a travel advance, or alternatively I am reimbursed after the

What are "business travel advance" and business expense reimbursement"
classified as? It is a form of "income" to me, in that money is
deposited into my account. However, it is not _truly_ an income (I did
not "earn" the money, not does it contribute to my net worth), and the
expenses are not _true_ expenses (I did not spend any money overall).
I am afraid that creating an income account  (like Business Expense
Reimbursement), and an expense account (like Business Expenses) will
end up creating a false record of what my income/expenses actually

What is the appropriate way of dealing with these forms of expenses?
What accounts should be created to deal with them? 

Any suggestions welcome.

Bruce, Liz and Aidan Chaplin
San Diego, CA, USA

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