Stuart D. Gathman wrote:

    <ts:date>2008-04-10 18:02:00 -0400</ts:date>

The issue here isn't the data file (which I assumed we all agreed
included the needed info).  The issue is that loading the
nice ascii timestamp with timezone into just a time_t field in memory (even a 64 bit one) loses critical info: the timezone.

Java code has faced this exact problem for many years (java.util.Date isn't a date, but a timestamp with no timezone information), and as a result JSR310 has been proposed, which will see a whole new date and calendar library in Java targeted for JDK7 (as I understand). The work is based on work by the same people who created a date and time handling library called Joda Time:

Gnucash suffers the same date problems as do applications that use the current built in Java date formatting. For those who don't fully understand the implications of date handling, comparing Joda Time to java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar should give an idea of the extent of the problem.


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