
Yesterday I committed some translation fixes and a (partial) Dutch translation 
of the website to htdocs trunk.

These changes however, are not visible on the public website today.

Is there an additional step I have to perform to get the changes published ?

There is a part in the README file suggesting so, but I'd like to verify with 
you if this part is still valid:

Publishing the website

Once you've got the website content up to date, you need to publish
the content from the beta site to the main website (and beta search
site to the main search site).  To do this, you need to merge your
changes from the 'trunk' into the 'published' branch.  Here's how you
do that:

    svn checkout .../repo/htdocs/branches/published htdocs-pub
    cd htdocs-pub
    svn log --stop-on-copy emulate-globals.php
    # find the last merge point from trunk
    svn merge -r <last_merge_point>:<head_rev> .../htdocs/trunk
    # resolve conflicts
    svn commit
    # Make sure you put <head_rev> into your comment!!!!!!!

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