On Tue, 2010-03-16 at 10:36 -0700, David T. wrote:
> I don't know whether this is the appropriate place for this, but...
> I recently was able (through boatloads of help from John Ralls and his 
> jhbuild procedures--thank you, John!) to compile and run 2.3.10 on Mac OS X. 
> Upon firing it up, I noticed a small, but annoying UI glitch: the main 
> Accounts tab is now displaying as "Ac..ts"
> There is no apparent way to resize that tab for the end user; since it is the 
> base tab in Gnucash, it would seem sensible to expect it to display correctly.
> Or is there a way for me to fix this on my machine?
> David

The best way to handle this is to log a bug at bugzilla.gnome.org.


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