On Nov 6, 2010, at 4:09 AM, Christoph Holtermann wrote:

> Hello !
> I got a question regarding the documentation of the gnucash-sources. I just
> wandered around a bit in the directorys on my quest for documentation ;-).
> I came across /src/engine/design.txt which told me
> "This document is becoming obsolete. Please refer to the design
> documentation in src/doc/design for a complete description of the
> Engine architecture."
> Following the trail to src/doc/design/ I found gnucash-design.info and
> tried "info gnucash-design" which to my astounding worked ;-)
> Chapter Introduction told me
> "*This whole document is completely outdated. Don't read this. All
> function names and every described structure has changed completely.
> Only read this if you want to know how gnucash looked like in 1999.
> This is completely outdated!*"
> Cool, a text which tells me not to read it ;-))
> Could you give me a hint if there is a central starting point for 
> documentation
> for example the website XXX or whatever or is it necessary to pick up bits
> and pieces here and there and even read those forbidden texts ;-))

Do `make docs` and then open 
file:///path/to/gnucash-sources/src/docs/html/index.html in your browser.

John Ralls

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