On Nov 24, 2010, at 11:21 AM, Johann Wöckinger wrote:

> Hello,
> since Version 2.3.16RC1, I notice the following message popup on starting 
> gnucash:
> GnuCash could not get exclusive write permission to postgres://.........
> with some explaination for reasons for that.
> It seems, that gnucash does not delete the lock entry in the database (table: 
> gnclock) when closing the application (I found the lock entry still in the 
> database table after closing gnucash), so it comes up with this warning on 
> startup, which can be overridden on selecting "open" - but its somewhat 
> annoying.
> This behaviour was not observed in former releases of the 2.3.x series.
> Would be nice to have the former behavior.

Have you seen this with 2.3.17? It sounds like a duplicate of 
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=634392, which was fixed for 2.3.17.

John Ralls

gnucash-devel mailing list

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