On maandag 5 september 2011, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, September 4, 2011 3:56 pm, Cristian Marchi wrote:
> > Is there a way for me to see if the nightly doc builds work? can you cc
> > me the nightly build so that I can check if all went right?
> Um, I don't know.  Right now it's run out of cron and the mail-on-failure
> comes directly to me.  I'd have to figure out how to email to someone
> else.  However there have been no failures for the past few nights.
> > Last question: looking in the docs build tree [1] I see that pdf files
> > are old. With what frequency the pdf and html files are generated?
> Hmm, they should be generated every night.  However it looks like the pdf
> does not get rebuilt.  Maybe the dependencies are wrong such that if the
> pdf exists it wont rebuild?  Looking at the docs build dir I see:
> [root@code trunk]# ls -l guide/C/gnucash-guide.pdf
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 7701032 Jul  2 03:20 guide/C/gnucash-guide.pdf
> Which means that the pdf target has not rebuilt since Jul 2.  However, the
> build rule *is*:
> make html pdf
Are you sure there have been any changes to the source files since Jul 2 ? I 
don't see a need to rebuild the pdf is its sources are unchanged.

(Looking at the rules now...)

It seems the images are not marked as dependencies of the pdf files. So if an 
images is changed, this will not trigger a rebuild. Perhaps we should list the 
images as dependencies to fix this ?

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