Hi Shahram,

I'd suggest that you put your ideas into Bugzilla bug reports and mark them as "enhancements".
(see also http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Bugzilla)

- Be very precise about what you suggest, and give as much context details as possible. - file one bug per idea, do not put many ideas in to few bugs, this will be hard to track

To give you an idea what other readers might not fully understand (meaning right now: what I do not understand):

- allow multiple row selection in "main window"
-> what is a "main window"? For me, the main window is the part where the accounts list, the reports, and the account registers are tabbed. So my guess is, you refer to the account registers, but, as said, this is only a guess.

- allow deletion without reconciliation
-> deletion of what? Accounts? Transactions? Splits? Budgets? Scheduled transactions? ... you see what I mean?

- allow deletion of transaction
-> this is already possible in the account registers. Does that delete button is not working for you?

- Transfer column
-> again guessing that you now switched context to option selection in the report option selection dialog. Obviously, there are some options that you would like to be grouped. In case you file an enhancement bug, name at least some of the reports, if not all, that you want to have improved, and name exactly which options you are referring to and how you propose to have them grouped.

- automatically delete files from the GnuCash folder
-> please describe, why the given possibilities (given in the preferences) are not sufficient from your point of view to achieve this goal

Having said this, I do not mean to discourage you. The more precise you are, the higher the chance the others understand your point, the higher the chance your wishes come true :-) )

Kind regards,

On 04/28/2013 12:12 AM, Shahram wrote:

Just a few suggestions for GnuCash

Best wishes


In main window and reconcile window
Allow multiple row selection
Allow multiple row deletion

In main window
Allow deletion without reconciliation

Allow deletion of transaction

Transfer column
For a faster choice of the options, allow hierarchical selection where
you could open and close main and sub categories

allow exports directly to spreadsheets

automatically delete extra files and logs from the Gnucash folder
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