On 8/19/2013 11:08 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
> David,
> David Carlson <carlson...@sbcglobal.net> writes:
> [snip]
>> Forms can and should contain navigation shortcuts.  They also do not
>> need to be in a window that hides everything else in the display.  The
>> fact that many sub-optimal forms exist is not an excuse to assert that
>> optimized use of forms could not be better.
>> In fact, I would consider the existing transaction editing scheme to be
>> a rather sophisticated form of sorts that (unfortunately, in my opinion)
>> is constrained (shoehorned?) to fit completely into the register view
>> with no room for developments that could enhance both the developer's
>> job and ultimately, the user experience.
>> GnuCash is blessed with several really good developers.  I am sure that
>> you can make this good software better.
> You're using some very web-specific terminology here.  By your
> definition I would say that the existing UI *does* use a form.  A very
> dynamic form, but a form nonetheless.  Input *is* separate from
> display.  Data input is specified based on your cursor position (which
> admittedly can be in the middle of the "display" portion.   But I think
> it's a misnomer to say that we don't already use "forms" for input.
> I agree with Geert that we should not use a pop-up form for input.  That
> would be too distracting and slow down input capabilities.
>> David C
> -derek

Yes, a pop-up would be very annoying.  I have found that particularly
true in the old register view when the selected transaction seems to fly
around uncontrollably sometimes. When I mouse over someplace in the
window and click the focus sometimes goes to a completely different
place.  I am sure that is one of the things that will most certainly be

I deliberately used the word 'Form' to highlight the database concept
and to stimulate some additional thought.

If, for example, the editing space were always at the bottom (or top) of
the register window and the list area was always in the middle, then the
editing space would not fly around, and the selected transaction could
be highlighted and kept somewhere near the middle of the register list. 
There would still be a challenge to make all the register view options
work, and that might need to include some pop-up sub windows for some
cases, but they can be designed to be fairly unobtrusive.  The separated
editing space then could be expanded and arranged to have more room for
longer text lines for some fields, for example, because it need not be
limited to fit precisely into the essentially two-line register list
visual structure.  It might even change size for different register
types when more fields are editable.

I believe that it might be worthwhile to look at the program sold by mth
software as it has a nice appearance and function to their register
view.  That program has many 'flaws' so there is little if anything else
to learn from their approach, however.  GnuCash is far better in most areas.

Now I will let you get back to work.

David C

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