On 9/12/2013 5:08 PM, Ngewi Fet wrote:
>> I don't think it would break anything to have it do a look-and-see and
>>  > fall back to current behavior if it does not find a match.
>> Agreed, If you look at the GNC Account GUID >first<, I cannot think of any
>> current use case it could break.
> Good to know, thanks.
> At the moment I am trying to export QIF from the Android app.
> GnuCash keeps asking for a "default" account name to import into and says
> the QIF file does not specify an account (4th page of the import wizard).
> Here is an example QIF file content that I am currently generating :
> !Type:Cash
> D2013/9/11
> T-42.00
> LAssets:Current Assets:Petty Cash
> SExpenses:Charity
> E
> $42.00
> ^
> It is a double entry transaction and I expected the "Petty Cash" account to
> be automatically picked up as the starting account and "Charity" as the
> destination. But GnuCash does not seem to do so.
> I even tried a variation of removing the acocunt information and putting
> the double entry as two splits, but it the prompt for a default account
> still shows.
> What am I doing wrong? How can I make GnuCash not ask for a default account
> each time? Or do I misunderstand how the import is supposed to work?
> Thanks in advance
> Ngewi
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I looked at some QIF files that worked for me in the past, and I think
that you need to prepend an account name record before the transaction

One of my files has some account definitions first then goes into
transactions this way.:

PDividend Earned:ALEC_Com_Shares
M1.55 % APY
LBank Interest

I will look for a reference to how QIF should be constructed.

David C

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