On 06/05/2014 17:01, Geert Janssens wrote:
On Friday 02 May 2014 14:55:42 John Ralls wrote:
On May 2, 2014, at 1:28 PM, Geert Janssens <janssens-ge...@telenet.be> wrote:
On Friday 02 May 2014 11:06:14 John Ralls wrote:
The HH installation check is still failing for me, as is the installation. I ran it by hand and got it to install in c:\gcdev, but the check fails anyway:
I suspect it will fail because the html help install step runs pexports and dlltool on the htmlhelp dlls to export the library's symbols.>
########################################################## ##
### HTML Help Workshop
########################################################## ##
!!! Attention !!! !!! This is the only installation step that requires your direct input !!! !!! When asked for an installation path, specify c:\gcdev\hh !!! ./install-impl.sh: line 1142: /c/gcdev/downloads/htmlhelp.exe: Bad file number
This is odd. 'What does Bad file number' mean exactly ? At this point install.sh has determined htmlhelp is not installed properly and tries to install it. In order to do so it attempts to download the hh installer file from the net and then simply run that file. An attempt to run that file results in the error "Bad file number". Is htmlhelp.exe really available in /c/gcdev/downloads ? Or is this a corrupt download perhaps ?
It’s there, and it runs fine from cmd.exe. It errors out only in the MSys shell.

I've got it too and it can only have come from very recent (as a result of Geert's postings) downloads in my build (I have another HH for windows but the gnc one is apart from that as mentioned previously). Unlike John, mine works from install.sh which is in turn running in an msys shell.

Hmm, googling around I found suggestions that windows applications fail to run from msys if they trigger the Windows Access Control (which should pop up the nag screen if you want to authorize the app to do some stuff that's normally protected). If you run htmlhelp.exe *outside* msys do you run into such a permission request ?

If I run
from a Win (rather than DOS) file manager I get
License agreement for HHWorkshop 1.3
Say Yes
Do you wish to install?
I say yes it defaults to C:\gcdev\hh presumably because that is what I told it last time
I get a dialogue
HTML Help 1.31 Update
This computer already has a newer version of HTML Help
=== then ===
HTML Help Workshop 1.3 Setup
HTML Workshop install complete

But if Geert and I are on WinXP we don't have WAC (or if we do we can turn it off / ignore it) and John does and it seems a stupid thing to get stuck on, to me.

If that's the case it will be difficult to install htmlhelp from within the gnucash instal.sh script in msys. An alternative approach could be to install it from within the bootstrap script, which is a Windows Visual Basic script. The installation step in install-impl.sh should then only check if the library symbols are properly exported and if not do so.

I think this is the way to go. HH got me stuck and now John is getting stuck on it too. If the worst comes to the worst we could make this a manual step or even build without it during this stage where we may just be identifying barrier points on more "advanced" Win OS.

In principle I think the man build should be made first and we can figure out the help later. We will have to do it, I agree, but is it our most important thing right now?
Unfortunately I can't test this because I don't have access to anything more recent than Windows XP...
Same here. I may be able to get someone else to try after I check their Win details.

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