On 07/05/2014 22:56, John Ralls wrote:
On May 7, 2014, at 1:14 PM, Ekaterina Gerasimova <kittykat3...@gmail.com> wrote:


I'm not sure if you're the right person to talk to about user help in
GnuCash (documentation, mailing lists and other forms), so I would
appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction if you're
not the right person.

I'm a long term GnuCash user and the current GNOME documentation team
lead, so I'm somewhat interested in how GnuCash manage their
documentation and user help.

For the last few years, the GNOME docs team have been attending Open
Help[1], and annual conference which is dedicated to documentation and
user help in the open source/Free software world. The conference
usually has many projects attending, such as Wikimedia and Debian, so
makes a really good forum for documentation related talk and

I've managed to wrangle a few free passes for the conference, so I was
wondering if GnuCash would be interested in coming this year? There
are still presentation/panel slots available if you're interested in
talking about the project, and there are normally hackfest spaces
available for a few days after the conference too.

Looking forward to hearing from you

[1] http://openhelpconference.com/

Thanks for thinking of us. I'm forwarding this to our developer's list to bring 
it to the attention of the rest of the team. It's a standard mailman list with 
a low level of traffic, but I'll understand completely if you choose not to 
subscribe to carry on the discussion. I'll relay your replies if you like.

I'm not much of a documenter and any not able to attend a conference in 
mid-June. Perhaps someone else will pipe up.

As for how we handle it, we maintain a separate repository for it; the public 
mirror is at https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-docs. We're currently releasing 
a new set in sync with GnuCash releases even if there are no documentation 
changes since the previous release. Online and downloadable versions of the 
released docs are, as you probably know, at http://www.gnucash.org/docs.phtml.

The docs themselves are in DocBook as is standard for Gnome. We've had several 
instances of potential contributors being scared off because there are no good 
and Free direct editors and XML is a bit intimidating. We've discussed a few 
alternatives but haven't been able to agree on any.

Any progress on this from a thought POV?

I managed to get some of it working and some of it written up but then thought ... why bother if no-one else will go through the hoops?

The conference is an ocean away from me.

Is it nearby for someone else?

Maybe there is someone over in gnc-user that wants to help with help and is near Cincinnati, Ohio?

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