Fri, 1 May 2015 20:49:47 <> Ngewi Fet <>

If I open a file I see my top level accounts.  Problem is once I choose a
top level account I can't get back to the top of the account tree.  I can
navigate up and down but never regain the top.  I'm guessing on a real
android you sacrifice your first born child and drip their blood in a hand
waving way to get it back.  I'm too old for that.

    - Scheduled export to SD Card, DropBox or Google Drive
 Didn't try the scheduled.  I went for Drive for storage and it
 worked out OK once I got the android to sync, see above about not
 understanding android directory structure, what dirs am I syncing?
 Where is gnca actually storing files?

GncA creates a directory in your Google Drive with the name of the app
and puts all its files into that folder.

Not here it doesn't. Is it possible you are presuming everyone is using

I do not understand the connection to Chrome. Does your emulator have
Google Play services running on it?


If not, the Google Drive sync will not work. Otherwise, the app will create
its own folder on Google Drive (after you authorize it).

I understand the words, I'm asking where the files are.

I have a perfectly functioning google drive, I don't understand why gnca can't see it.

Alternatively if my Google drive to Android connection is broken my file must be stored locally, right?

I'm asking, :where is my file:?

 Similarly, DropBox also puts
the files into Apps -> GnuCash Android
You are not syncing a directory, but rather individual files.
I think we should do something to make the export destination known to
the user. Thanks for highlighting this.

I'm not getting this at all, TBH.  My dropbox account puts stuff where I
tell it to.  Is the fact that the files are coming from an android suddenly
going to make it different?

Yes, but the app is putting stuff in your DropBox, not you.

Wrong! The app knows nothing about my dropbox and other personal cloud stuff.

automatically creates a folder for apps which connect to it.

I'm not trying to use Dropbox, I'm trying to use google drive!

GncA has a
folder in "Apps -> GnuCash Android"

I don't trust Android sufficiently to tell it about my real remote data stores.

Why can't it use the obvious google associated drive properly?

    - Improved creation of backups and restoring of backups

 again, I couldn't work out where the files were
GnuCash Android files are here: /sdcard/0/
But for restoring backups, you do not need to know the path because a
dialog is shown to you listing the files.

*IF* you have an SD Card that is nice.  Where are they otherwise?

I guess it will be somewhere on internal storage which Android will expose
as external storage.

That makes no sense to me as a set of words.

    GnuCash Android also registers itself

   to open .gnucash files.

 Are you sure about that? Once again it is possible I don't speak
 android well enough but do you perhaps mean .gnca rather than
 .gnucash ?  I'm also not sure what happens with compressed files, it
 is possible my vm doesn't have auto unzip and real android devices

 Yes, GnuCash should be in the list of possible apps to open those files
with, when you try to open such a file from, say, Google Drive by
clicking on it. The app registers for both .gnca and .gnucash.
The app handles both compressed and uncompressed XML files just fine.
You don't need to do anything extra.

.gnucash files are greyed out here, if I rename them I can open them and
choose the application.

Where is "here"? Some other app? DropBox?

Nope, it is how Android and google see in combination.

DropBox is the outsider for them, i.e. they don't know about each other.

I know some people file selection issues with Google Drive. We are still
trying to find a reliable solution for this.

OK, in that case add me to the clueless.

Is the decimal set to "," ? I'm used to "." for decimal.  As someone who
has used calculating machines I am used to using either 23[spot] or 23[00]
but not being forced to type to the least significant decimal when dealing
with whole numbers.

The decimal separator depends on your locale.

I've worked in more than one part of the world, not an issue so much as an irritation, my numeric keypad has a . as the separator. I live in London UK. I have family members that type , as a decimal separator but they know it is actually decimal point. Why don't you know this?

Also, at the moment, everyone one has to deal with 2 extra decimal places.
It can be annoying, we know.
We plan to improve that for the future.

Unless there is something specific you want me to check I think I am going to pass on Gnca this time around.


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