Mon, 4 May 2015 14:21:25 <> Ngewi Fet <>

Dave H,

Your experience is quite similar to mine described elsewhere in this
thread.  All of my example files have many brokerage accounts with
stocks and mutual funds which did not appear to be displayed correctly,
but maybe that part of the program is not complete yet.  I have asked
for a description of what a template looks like so I can excerpt one or
more from my file for perusal.  I remember a few years ago trying to
identify a template but I either got lost in the nesting or I was not
sure which UI(is that the term?)references were germain.

oh if I could have an example that would be great!
Template transactions are very similar to normal ones in the file, the
difference is where they are located.
If you search the file till you see the tag <gnc:template-transactions>
then that's where they begin.
First there will be a list of some template accounts and then after that
the transactions. It will look something like:

<gnc:transaction version="2.0.0">
 <trn:id type="guid">db82d0f7c39ba88f75890bf5faa12fef</trn:id>
   <ts:date>2015-04-29 09:57:58 +0200</ts:date>
   <ts:date>2015-04-29 09:57:58 +0200</ts:date>
     <split:id type="guid">bb671fa732b2801c797f9da0d2adf5b8</split:id>
         <slot:value type="frame">
             <slot:value type="string">256,55</slot:value>
     <split:id type="guid">dfa255b39b10da51622f3a390e2ad516</split:id>
         <slot:value type="frame">
             <slot:value type="string">256,55</slot:value>

A senior may correct me but my understanding is that an SX references a previously existing transaction.

What happens to the SX when the underlying TX is changed is, I think, not very clear. You are, I suggest, being brave in presuming something gnc plain doesn't.

Yes, I will make modifications to the program so that it first tries to
parse the SXs.
But if it fails, it will just revert to 1.5.5 behaviour and ignore
scheduled transactions completely.
I feel this will be a better balance.

I'm still uncertain about the master / slave model. I'm certain I want my desktop to be prime

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