Sun, 1 Nov 2015 17:03:09 <>
Thomas Anderson <> wrote...

Hello all,

I had a discussion on IRC with John Ralls about this old gnucash-devel@ list thread: *

Unsurprisingly this patch fails to apply anymore, but to me it is a worthwhile feature and I want to pursue it. I don't speak scheme well, but I can pick it up. John suggested I post something to the list about this old feature request and try to get some input, especially from Mike Alexander,
on if and how this feature can be worked in.

Looking at a diff between the current


the IRR bits seem fairly self contained.

The thing I wonder about is if an IRR wouldn't immediately result in person A wanting it to be tweaked this way, B arguing it should be done slightly differently and C wanting something else included or excluded.

Also, does IRR as an into-the-future calculation or tool for deciding between prospective investments fit in with the rest of gnc's functionality generally?

In short, isn't this the kind of thing spreadsheets will always do way better than we could ever do?


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