Dear all,

here's a somewhat heretical question from me as a long-term gnucash user and developer: Gnucash no longer fulfils my requirements as a personal finance manager, and I was wondering whether anyone here has other suggestions I should try.

Here are my requirements: (1) I want to track my daily cash expenses of my spouse and me, using our mobile devices (two Android phones). (2) Additionally I want to keep track of our bank account by using the transaction download function of the German online banking protocol HBCI, so that every few days I can check the bank account balance and transactions. I used to do this on my desktop PC, but it doesn't really matter whether I do this on the desktop PC or on some mobile device. (3) Additionally every few weeks I want to check the cash flow, balances, and expense statement in detail to have an overview of where the money goes.

Unfortunately gnucash doesn't fit for tracking expenses on multiple mobile devices, let alone for checking the current balances from multiple devices. The gnucash data model is great, but our implementation of the "engine" code everywhere assumes that all data is held in the current device's memory. This is an obstacle against implementing a multi-user or multi-device editing possibility of the data. I tried our SQL database backend, so that the SQL database could be accessed remotely from multiple places. Alas, on start-up of gnucash, all data from the SQL database needs to be read into memory, effectively making it impossible to run gnucash from anywhere else except localhost of the SQL database host (otherwise it takes simply forever). My conclusion here is that unfortunately the existing implementation of gnucash's data access layer makes it impossible to run a multi-device / multi-user service on top of the data. Hence I will have to switch to some different software implementation.

I tried gnucash-on-android for quite some time, using this App as data-entering app and importing the data into desktop gnucash regularly. However, this extra step of importing a file into gnucash sucks. Theoretically, this might work if at least the gnucash-on-android app has the identical account frame so that the entered transactions can be imported without any extra double-checking on the gnucash side. But to my knowledge this is not implemented and I will always have to run the import-dialog on the gnucash side to ensure the correct other accounts are chosen, but this dialog sucks.

To summarize, my requirement #1 cannot be met by gnucash, even though the requirement #2 and #3 are still great in gnucash. What I would need for the multi-user / multi-device expense tracking is some sort of cloud service with access from multiple locations. I'm also willing to pay for this, but would also be interested to invest some work into Open Source solutions. Maybe there is some Open Source software for this, and the actual data hosting service is sold for some reasonable subscription fee. Ideas, anyone? Thanks a lot in advance.

Regards, Christian

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