> On Oct 30, 2016, at 11:12 AM, David T. via gnucash-devel 
> <gnucash-devel@gnucash.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> As I mentioned yesterday, I am trying my hand at scripting a program that can 
> generate monthly entries for the price db for all holdings in a GnuCash data 
> file. Thus far, I am having a fine time cracking the crusty shell of perl, 
> and have gotten a script that will retrieve the right prices and print them 
> to the console. I believe am close to finishing the script, but I need some 
> help with a couple of points related directly to the data structure of the 
> prices table in the database.
> First, and probably more prosaically, I am challenged again by the nature of 
> the prices stored in GnuCash. They are stored as separate number and 
> denominator, while Finance::QuoteHist returns prices as a decimal number. I 
> want to know how best to convert these decimals correctly into GnuCash’s 
> format. Should I use the commodity fraction to multiply the price, and store 
> fraction in value_denom? Or is there some other way I should make this 
> conversion? 
> Next, and much more problematically, is the fact that every price record 
> includes a currency_guid. I am unsure how exactly I would identify this guid 
> consistently, since the record in commodities doesn’t store this information. 
> Neither does Finance::QuoteHist return the currency for the price returned, 
> which precludes a query into commodities based on the QuoteHist currency. 
> It’s not even possible to use query the account table, since the account is 
> denominated in the commodity, not the underlying currency. Can anyone shed 
> light on how I would determine the value for currency_guid for a given 
> commodity?


It doesn't really matter how you convert the float to a rational as long as 
it's the same number. An easy way would be to shift the decimal two places, 
truncate, and use 100 for the denominator. The price isn't the number of shares 
or whatever in the security, it's how much one share was worth in some currency 
(see next paragraph) at the time of the quote.

The currency guid is for the currency that the quote is in. If Quote-Hist 
doesn't include a field for it then your script will have to fill it in 
somehow. If all of your securities are in one currency then you can just 
hardcode it, otherwise you'll have to make something like a mapping table 
between security and commodity.

John Ralls

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