
First, sorry to come at this late...

"David T. via gnucash-devel" <gnucash-devel@gnucash.org> writes:

> Hello,
> Once again, the documentation bug has bit me, and I am trying to use
> the accepted GnuCash toolset to implement a change to the Guide.

Excellent.  Thank you for your ongoing support!!

> Most recently, this toolset has been changed to use “make”, and when I
> attempt to refresh my memory by going to the wiki page, I fail to find
> an explanation that makes sense to me.

I would just point out that this hasn't changed.  This method has been
in place for well over a decade, probably closer to two.

> P.S.: I continue to think that the wiki page is poorly-constructed for
> general users. In specific, I object to the high-level structure that
> embeds the initial setup steps with the ongoing editorial process. In
> my situation, I find it impossible to separate the setup commands from
> those that I actually need to proceed.

As the guy who maintains the wiki instance (I run the hardware/OS for
the wiki and maintain the mediawiki software installation), I'm not sure
I understand what you mean by "separate the setup commands from those
that [you] actually need to proceed".  What do you mean by this?  Also,
what do you mean by "high level structure that embeds the initial setup
steps with the ongoing editorial process."?

In a wiki, there's two processes:

1) Account Setup.  You register for an account, and either that account
   is approved or not.  Part of this process requires you to validate
   your email account; another part of this process requires an admin to
   approve you.  This is all done in an attempt to reduce the amount of

2) Page Edit.  Once you're registered and approved, you can go an edit
   pages willy-nilly, except for a few "locked" pages.  This should be
   as simple as clicking "Edit" on a page view and then making the
   changes, clicking "Preview" to make sure they look right, and then
   saving them.

There is also an editorial process in place where people like Frank,
John, and Geert look through the changes that have been made and ensure
they are "correct".  Sometimes an incorrect change will be reverted.
But it also allows people to see what changes have been made and check
them, comment on them, etc.

Unfortunately there's something going on where a number of changes are
not showing up in the list of recent changes.  I believe this is the
"ninja status" to which Frank referred -- changes you were making would
not show up in the list of recent changes.  I honestly have no idea why,
and I don't know if this has been corrected.

Note that you can go and READ the wiki pages without an account, you
just can't edit them.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warl...@mit.edu                        PGP key available
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