> Message: 7
> Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 18:52:27 +0500
> From: "David T." <sunfis...@yahoo.com>
> To: Geert Janssens <geert.gnuc...@kobaltwit.be>
> Cc: Buddha Buck <blaisepas...@gmail.com>, gnucash-devel@gnucash.org
> Subject: Re: Gnucash wiki
> Message-ID: <0f82a5f6-d023-4687-a2f4-d7c3a3c6c...@yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
The use of suggested categories & templates sounds good to me, if some-one
has the time to do it.

FixMe may be a better category than CanSomeoneElseLookAtThisPlease.

I'm not sure dropping pages is a good thing. While reducing noise when
searching is good, sometimes historical info is very useful to those without
a long GnuCash involvement.
What is considered an obsolete announcement - pre 2.4 or even older? A
consensus of obsolete would be helpful.

Geert, are the README pages you refer to mostly the ones for various
versions of MacOSX? I've no idea what versions of OSX are considered

I too have been confused by https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Concept_of_Lots
but there is a lot of good info and many useful possible future
If others think it worthwhile, I'll add some comments to things that may be
useful but are apparently not currently implemented. I investigated anything
I was unsure about when I was documenting Lots for the Guide.

I agree that information that is available elsewhere, can be linked to or
dropped from the wiki, while being very careful not to lose anything
possibly valuable.
Ooo... - I found http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Eclipse while searching the
wiki for info re Templates. Maybe this will spur me to move to Eclipse which
I have been putting off due to not wanting to learn yet another IDE.

Regards, Chris Good

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