> On Dec 24, 2017, at 8:34 AM, Geert Janssens <geert.gnuc...@kobaltwit.be> 
> wrote:
> While we're working hard to get 2.8 ready for official release, the current 
> state of the code keeps reminding me of a few design related topics I would 
> like to discuss for the development cycle after 2.8 has been released.
> We're still a few months away from that point, but it's a quiet Christmas eve 
> so I am feeling like sharing this already for further discussion.
> 1. Use of namespaces.
> Our current code is full of Gnc<some-name> for types and gnc_<something-else> 
> for functions. In our C++ rewrite we're replacing this with classes of type 
> Gnc<something> and so on. I would like to propose we introduce a 'gnc' 
> namespace (at least in libgnucash) so our classes become gnc::<something>. 
> This is consistent with std:: and boost:: namespaces.


> We can debate whether our internal code can/should have "namespace gnc;" in 
> headers only or in source files as well. For libgnucash I'd go for the 
> latter. 
> It  The context should be clear there. In the gnucash gui related code (the 
> parts that are C++ obviously), I would as well, though I have a less strong 
> opinion there.

I don’t think you meant what you said there because I know that you know that 
once you declare something in a namespace you have to either refer to it with 
the namespace qualifier everywhere or alias it in to the scope’s namespace with 

Perhaps you mean that you’re not sure if compilation-unit-local functions and 
variables (those typically declared static in C) should also be in the gnc 
namespace. I don’t think so. There’s a special compilation-unit-local namespace 
called the anonymous namespace for that.

Should the gnc namespace be applied to classes throughout the application or 
just to libgnucash classes? I’m inclined to think the latter. The application 
itself doesn’t really benefit from a namespace though some of its modules 
might. Your division of the code into libgnucash and gnucash is a first good 
cut but I’m sure we agree that it’s going to need refining in the next 
development cycle. Working out namespace divisions can help with that 
refinement because the namespaces will make logical groupings more apparent.

> For 2.8 I have been working on converting parts of the CSV importer to C++. 
> And considering the class structure that is slowly forming there (still in 
> flux as conversion of additional importers reveals design limitations that 
> shouldn't be there) I am even tempted to use nested namespaces there (not 
> nested classes, mind you) like
> namespace gnc
> {
> ....
> namespace import
> ....
> class settings
> ...
> }
> }
> I personally like the granularity and grouping effect this has. In addition 
> it 
> makes the actual actions related to a namespace stand out nicely
> gnc::import::settings::get_presets()
> Which with a 'using gis = gnc::import::settings' could be reduced to 
> 'gis::get_presets()' if one likes.
> On the other hand I don't have much experience with namespaces yet (other 
> than 
> using st:: and boost:: which have nested namespaces as well) so I don't know 
> the pro's and con's of it. So I'm interested in opinions about this.

Namespaces are a Good Thing™ but it’s easy to get carried away with nesting too 
deeply just as it’s easy to get carried away with deep class hierarchies. 
Aliases help as long as we’re consistent about alias names so that one doesn’t 
have to keep track of different aliases for the same class when working across 
two or three files. One can also import whole namespaces (`using namespace 
gnc;`) but that’s discouraged as it rather defeats the point of using 

> 2. Versioning.
> We currently use a version scheme gigantic.major.minor[-build]. Like 2.6.19 
> (and an optional -2 if we had to release more than once to get it right). For 
> the 3 levels we really only use two. The 2 in front has been updated when 
> gnucash migrated from gtk to gtk2.  We will migrate to gtk3 for gnucash 2.8 
> yet we don't changed to 3.0 as a result. The migration to gtk2 has been a 
> long 
> time ago and the software world has evolved since then. Release cycles in 
> general have shortened. Incremental changes are usually preferred over big 
> bang changes. So I think our numbering scheme is in for a modernization.
> Here's my proposal:
> After the 2.8 lifecycle let's drop one number and stick with major.minor[-
> build] instead. 
> Major releases would increment the first number. Bugfix releases the second.
> So after 2.8 the next major release would be 3.0, bugfix releases for that 
> major release would become 3.1, 3.2, 3.4...
> I would drop the idea of odd numbers being development snapshots and even 
> numbers being stable ones. Instead I see several options, I haven't decided 
> which one is most elegant/kludgy:
> Option A: let's number development snapshots starting from x.90. That gives 
> us 
> 10 development snapshots. If that's not enough we can either choose to start 
> a 
> bit earlier, like x.80 or from x.98 jump to x.980 to give us 20 more.
> Option B: as a variation all development snapshots do use a 3 number version: 
> x.99.z with 99 clearly indicating "right before the next major release" and z 
> incrementing with each snapshot.
> This makes development snapshots slightly more verbose in their numbering but 
> gives us cleanly incrementing stable releases. The latter are more visible to 
> most users, so I personally care more about those.
> The development snapshots between 2.8 and 3.0 fall a bit in between. We could 
> choose to handle them old style or new style as we see fit. Old style would 
> mean we'd still work with a 2.9.x series. New style would mean we'd start 
> with 
> 2.8.90/ as we see fit.
> Thoughts ?

I’m indifferent to the versioning system as long as it’s consistent, but the 
distro packagers aren’t. Some of them recite the “Semantic Versioning” [1] 
mantra even though it really applies only to libraries.

Back when we released 2.6 we were unsure about whether the coming version would 
be 2.8 or 3.0. One of the criteria proposed was that we should call it 3.0 if 
we upgraded to Gtk+3. Well, we have, so maybe the coming release should be 
3.0.0 instead of 2.8.0. That would certainly be consistent with the Gnome 
guidelines [2] that include a major change in the GUI as a reason for bumping 
the major version.

Should some of the component libraries (especially libgnucash) have separate 
versioning that follows the semantic versioning rules?

John Ralls

[1] https://semver.org/ <https://semver.org/>[2] 
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