> On Jul 8, 2018, at 7:35 PM, Wm via gnucash-devel <gnucash-devel@gnucash.org> 
> wrote:
> On 08/07/2018 15:52, John Ralls wrote:
>> Wm,
>> Portable Apps is just another downstream distro.  We have no ability to 
>> enforce anything against any distro. Either they maintain a usable GnuCash 
>> in their package manager or they don’t and there’s not a darn thing we can 
>> do about it unless they have a technical reason for not doing so (like the 
>> recent dropping of the WebKit1 API by Fedora) and inform us of it. AFAIK 
>> we’ve never had any such contact from the Portable team.
> That isn’t how PA present their re-packaging and use of GnuCash.

Oh? Please explain.

>> A question for you: Why did you choose to use GnuCash Portable instead of 
>> the GnuCash Windows bundle from www.gnucash.org <http://www.gnucash.org/>?
> I don't use it myself, I use it on other people's behalf.
> Reasons?
> Convenience. I can say "don't update to GnuCash 3.x until it is working right 
> for you" rather than having them try early versions that I know won't do what 
> they expect.
> Backups. PortableApps puts data in more sensible places by default than 
> GnuCash does, or used to.  <--- See the circle here?

GnuCash puts data wherever you tell it to. It has defaults, but they’re easily 
overridden with environment variables.

John Ralls

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