
I was just trying to track down the status of documentation bug 777893, and was 
stymied for a bit. 

A bit of history: I raised the bug to induce the addition of information about 
the SQL formats. Subsequently, I wrote a section for inclusion in the Guide, 
which was submitted 10 days ago as Pull Request #109.

Today, I wanted to go add the PR # to the bug, and clicked my way to the 
bugzilla section for the Guide, only to not find the bug in question. Searching 
by bug number shows that the bug was entered under Help, rather than Guide. 
This situation points out that breaking the bugs out to this level of 
granularity can have negative effects: first, it forces a reporter to decide on 
the appropriate document for a bug, rather than focus on the problem in 
question; second a user looking for these bugs must discern the specific 
document to which a given bug was assigned in order to locate said bug; third, 
it causes difficulty if a given bug recommends changes to more than one piece 
of documentation, as this bug does—which doc does the bug get assigned to?

While it may have seemed an advance to be able to structure our bugs to cover 
specific documents, I wonder at the choice at this point, and ask how difficult 
it would be either to change the structure itself, or find a way to allow users 
the option of seeing all Doc bugs in an aggregated screen?

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