
I'm new here, so please instruct me how to proceed if I'm wrong.

I noticed following:

 * In version 2.6.19 and earlier I was able to process payments against
   created invoices.
 * Since version 3.1.2( first version I used) I can't process anymore
   because now Gnu-Cash is searching on orders instead of customer and
   doesn't find ANY match.
 * Also matches that were already successfully done that I try to edit
   will fail now.
 * I installed latest release (3.3) last weekend but with same result.

See example below (Language is Dutch)

Customer name should show up, but instead the order connected to the customer is searched.

Translation of error: You have no valid account. Create an account of type "" before you proceed with the payment. Maybe you want to create an AP or AR Invoice first?

 * The invoices are available. In version 3 Gnu-Cash can't find them
   anymore. When I switch back to my latest version 2.6.19, it works again.

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Jeroen Dörr

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